I like the comic, but the Definition for Kitsune is literally “fox” and nothing more. Perhaps the creator didn’t realize this or perhaps he is SO good at comedy, it has surpassed my dull senses.
Yeah, I was gonna remark on that, but you beat me to it. The Japanese just believe (or used to at any rate) that every 100 years, cats and foxes grew another tail. The only odd thing about Miles is he’s supposedly only 8 years old… which doesn’t jibe with the fact that he has two tails. Guess someone is lying about their age. 😀
Hahahaha….you just reminded me that I had this dream, I can’t recall when, I think it was years ago…but I was playing Sonic 2 and you could switch between Sonic and Tails by high fiving and tails would say “smooth.” in this really deep black guy voice. I remember waking up while still giggling about it.
Great comic. His art and stories are getting better.
I like the comic, but the Definition for Kitsune is literally “fox” and nothing more. Perhaps the creator didn’t realize this or perhaps he is SO good at comedy, it has surpassed my dull senses.
Definition: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&defl=en&q=define:Kitsune&sa=X&ei=vqonTJr-FYiEngeC2omECg&ved=0CBIQkAE
Yeah, I was gonna remark on that, but you beat me to it. The Japanese just believe (or used to at any rate) that every 100 years, cats and foxes grew another tail. The only odd thing about Miles is he’s supposedly only 8 years old… which doesn’t jibe with the fact that he has two tails. Guess someone is lying about their age. 😀
Hahahaha….you just reminded me that I had this dream, I can’t recall when, I think it was years ago…but I was playing Sonic 2 and you could switch between Sonic and Tails by high fiving and tails would say “smooth.” in this really deep black guy voice. I remember waking up while still giggling about it.