I own an island. Off the coast of Costa Rica.I leased it from the government and spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve down there. Really spectacular. Spared no expense. It makes the one I had in Kenya look like a petting zoo.
I have an old postcard with this photo on it and am a distant relative of two of the players. This town was in northern Indiana and no longer exists, there is a farm there now. The town got it’s name when the “N” word was common. Before the civil war an escaped slave moved onto an island in a swamp that existed then & lived there. I don’t know how long he lived there or what happened to him. Time passed, the swamp was drained & turned into farmland. The area of the island became a town with a post office bearing that name. In time the town died. I don’t know of any other evidence of that town other than this picture.
Arnold Rizor
13 years ago
Correction ~ This town was more likely in Ohio.
Arnold Rizor
13 years ago
I have confirmed that this was near Kenton Ohio. The name was later changed to Island Grove, even later it was changed to Jump because it was considered to have been a jumping off point of the underground railroad.
I have an old copy of either this photo or a similar one and am also related to a couple players. You’re right, it was in Ohio. Is it Kenton or Canton?
Hello, I was raised bear Nigger Island,- in Kenton Ohio. – And am familiar with all of Hardin County. – If You have confirmed nammes of some of these pictured players, than I amy be able to verify if it was from Hardin County, Ohio, – or from somewhere else completely. I have the 1924 Nigger Island photos, and names of the players, of which includes my Grandfather Joe Nagley, several relatives, and more. – – May send photo and more info later. – (reply back to me) — p.s. the name Nigger Island was the small town – named after the black muck (niger)swamp area, near Kenton, Ohio (nothing derogatory or prejudice was ever meant from the name. — jw
Not sure about this particular photo, – need the names, or positive I.D.’s of some players in picture. May be another Nigger Island from somewhere else, or another state than the Kenton, Ohio area. – – Nigger Island near Kenton was a small village on an old drained swamp of very black earth, so named. And was just a few hundred yards of what later was called Jump. – jw — p.s. I have a picture of the 1924 N.G. Champs,- and my Grandfather is in it.
LOL cotton uniforms
Hey where are the white women at?
It’s OK, we’re taking it back.
I own an island. Off the coast of Costa Rica.I leased it from the government and spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve down there. Really spectacular. Spared no expense. It makes the one I had in Kenya look like a petting zoo.
…is a bad neighborhood.
This is either in Maine:
Or Maryland:
btw, nice overalls. classy.
I have an old postcard with this photo on it and am a distant relative of two of the players. This town was in northern Indiana and no longer exists, there is a farm there now. The town got it’s name when the “N” word was common. Before the civil war an escaped slave moved onto an island in a swamp that existed then & lived there. I don’t know how long he lived there or what happened to him. Time passed, the swamp was drained & turned into farmland. The area of the island became a town with a post office bearing that name. In time the town died. I don’t know of any other evidence of that town other than this picture.
Correction ~ This town was more likely in Ohio.
I have confirmed that this was near Kenton Ohio. The name was later changed to Island Grove, even later it was changed to Jump because it was considered to have been a jumping off point of the underground railroad.
I have an old copy of either this photo or a similar one and am also related to a couple players. You’re right, it was in Ohio. Is it Kenton or Canton?
Hello, I was raised bear Nigger Island,- in Kenton Ohio. – And am familiar with all of Hardin County. – If You have confirmed nammes of some of these pictured players, than I amy be able to verify if it was from Hardin County, Ohio, – or from somewhere else completely. I have the 1924 Nigger Island photos, and names of the players, of which includes my Grandfather Joe Nagley, several relatives, and more. – – May send photo and more info later. – (reply back to me) — p.s. the name Nigger Island was the small town – named after the black muck (niger)swamp area, near Kenton, Ohio (nothing derogatory or prejudice was ever meant from the name. — jw
It’s Kenton
Not sure about this particular photo, – need the names, or positive I.D.’s of some players in picture. May be another Nigger Island from somewhere else, or another state than the Kenton, Ohio area. – – Nigger Island near Kenton was a small village on an old drained swamp of very black earth, so named. And was just a few hundred yards of what later was called Jump. – jw — p.s. I have a picture of the 1924 N.G. Champs,- and my Grandfather is in it.