Meanwhile in America

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“Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
‘Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not receive any of her plagues’.”

Revelation 18:4

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    This has gone beyond some accident that people will talk about in a couple of years as “remember when BP fucked up and lost all that oil.”


    Lotuseater725 rubs his hands together maniacally and says: “excellent”


    also, this is extremely fucked up


    I can`t think of a better argument for nuclear energy.(Yeah,I know.Here comes the Chernobyl comparisons.)


    Oddly enough, I got a political poll call yesterday, and in addition to the BP spill, questions included, “favoring more legislation for nuclear energy” and “favoring more legislation for off-shore oil drilling…”

    I answered “favored” for both. Not that both don’t need stronger regulation oversight.

    And then I watched the West Wing episode that had a plant go near nuclear meltdown.


    Did you “favor more legislation for off-shore oil drilling” or “favor more legislation AGAINST off-shore oil drilling”?

    “legislation” is not the same thing as “regulation”


    “For” as in “don’t limit the amount we can do,” or more specifically, “let’s raise the number.”

    As I said, we need stronger adherence to regulations (as opposed to none at all), but we also need energy resources in our own backyard.


    What counts most is doing both correctly.


    With all the advances in Nuclear energy in the past few decades, nuclear energy is actually -safer- than oil-based energy.


    Man, fuck fission. It’s time for us to dump a few tens of billions into getting ourselves fusion reactors.


    ^This. It’s apparently almost there although I expect that’s just optimism. If fusion research had a fraction of BP’s profits spent on it I expect there would be some quick results or at the very least some swifter progress.


    To the poster of these pics:

    I like where you were thinking in the bible verse, but I think you missed the meaning of that quoted scripture;

    “Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
    ‘Come out of her, my people,
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues’.”

    Revelation 18:4

    That is referencing “Babylon the Great”, or the worldwide empire of false religion. We are being told to sever our ties with false religion and come to gods true worship. That really doesn’t have anything to do with an Oil Spill. The “plagues” mentioned is basicly any of the ill effects you would suffer by associating with false religion, like death in the great tribulation at Armageddon.

    Not trying to start a religious fight here, just trying to get you pointed in the right direction.


    i think rev 18 refers to 9/11

    …pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup… Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire… When the kings of the earth…see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: ” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’…

    but of course, anyone can find a sekrit mesige in the verses


    I thought that verse was a good ad for condoms.


    Of course, people have been believing that since the Book of Revelation was accepted into the canon at the Council of Carthage in 397 AD.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Seriously? Are you retarded?

    Or just perennially 15 years old?

    Sweet Jesus. I know where I’ll get the facts that govern my way of thinking…Ramstien! lol



    fracked again

    Don’t forget that God loves us!

    Like an abusive father. “Don’t make me smite you again, or I’ll give you something to really cry about!”


    I should point out the fact that it’s a BRITISH company responsible for this major fuck-up, and the source of the problem is not technically “in America”. We’re just the one getting shit on by the Brits’ mistake.


    BP is a multinational corporation, and America has plenty of interests and control in it. This “blame the Brits” bullshit is just that.


    Except for the fact that this country is petroleum dependent as fuck. We’re just as culpable as BP. The US government is also to blame since we hadn’t changed drilling regulations since 1979, way before anybody even thought of deep sea drilling.

    This is a horrible fuck up and everybody gets credit for it. Hopefully we’ll learn something from this and get some new ideas for alternative energy, like mother fucking fusion reactors.


    Being dependent on a product makes the US culpable?

    The US is a market, BP is a commodity supplier, a supplier that took chances to increase profits. That is all.

    Not having proper regulations IS our mistake. But, that does not make the fact that BPs installed overrides did not work


    Nevermind that BP was violating a shit-ton of those regulations already…


    About ten years ago or so BP was bought out by Amoco… which stands for the American Oil Company.

    So yeah, blame the brits for that one… asshat.


    Ah, that would explain why the corp is still listed as a British company, has a British CEO, and whose stocks are over 60% owned by British citizens.

    Easy mistake. I’ll go correct everyone now.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You’re a fucking idiot.

    Find me a company that large that is completely confined to one nation and I’ll let you lick my asshole.


    Where did I say they were confined to one nation? Being based in and primarily owned by citizens of one nation doesn’t mean they’re confined to that nation. But, the guys making the decisions that led to this disaster WERE Brits.

    Now, who’s the “fucking idiot” again?


    The people of Bhopal weep with you.


    Wow. This is horribly sad.


    Mother nature just pissed her pants! Keep up the good work BP! Fucka you Dorphin…


    Da fuck is that religious shit.

    teezy weezy

    Aww the dolphin is smiling and swimming backwards 🙂 Very clever.

    I work for BP I love this stuff 😀


    I think the dorphin is pretty much dead…

    Jesus Christ

    Why you do this…?

    The Dude

    I submitted about 25 pictures of the gulf that tiki is taking his sweet ass time on. More recent RELEVANT to the current situation in the gulf.

    Tiki must be on the payroll?


    Well I wouldn’t worry. They’ll still be pretty relevant since the god damn well won’t be capped until August.


    And everything within 1000 miles will be dead by 2011.


    …and we all know what is after 2011…


    They’re saying mid-July now. At ~2 millions gallons per day, a few weeks makes a big difference. I hope.




    drill baby drill!


    kill baby krill! (jake and amir)


    Sad dolphin.


    What ever happened to zero point energy?

    And, I’m proud to be an American too 😀

    Even though I’ve had most of my civil liberties and patient rights abused and stomped on.

    Oh and that my health has been neglected, even if I would turn around and defend this nation in its armed forces once I had full use of my right arm again.

    God Bless America.

    fracked again

    Zero point energy is a myth/scam.


    “How It Works: Startech´s trash converter uses superheated plasma-an electrically conductive mass of charged particles (ions and electrons) generated from ordinary air-to reduce garbage to its molecular components. First the trash is fed into an auger that shreds it into small pieces. Then the mulch is delivered into the plasma chamber, where the superheated plasma converts it into two by-products. One is a syngas composed mostly of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which is fed into the adjacent Starcell system to be converted into fuel. The other is molten glass that can be sold for use in household tiles or road asphalt.”

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