Oh, didn’t know BAE made these. Land and Armaments I assume (Since it’s not an airplane, ship, or IT for a government agency). How did you get that second picture? Up here at EI&S we can’t take cameras inside, and they only recently allowed camera phones as long as you don’t use it to take pictures. Although I guess they care more about keeping circuit diagrams for F-35s secret than pictures of armored vehicles.
Anyway, tell your husband to keep up the good work!
It is too bad that particular desert does not have Coriolis storms. The picture on the left is an MRAP, a much heavier armored vehicle that has replaced the Hum-Vee in many applications. The difference between the two pictures shown is what happened to the crew cabin. The MRAP’s cabin is intact, meaning the troops most likely survived. The Hum-Vee has had the rear section of its cabin decimated, most likely killing any soldiers who were in the rear of the cabin, and most likely all the soldiers in the vehicle died this way.
MRAPs are fucking awesome, I was saying that since the first time they showed one at all. Go Nyokki’s hubby.
You know, an offshore oil rig has never exploded before, so obviously there’s no reason to have safety measures in place.
Terrorists have never tried to hijack planes and use them as flying bombs. No need for airport security.
…Seriously, though, what is with people not seeing the value of things until there is a major screw up? Just because something hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it.
We’re talking MRAP’s here…I mean seriously, you really think it was the best use of our tax dollars to buy one of these things for the FBI? National Guard, yes…but FBI?
Yeah I’m so glad I’m paying my taxes so kids who couldn’t find real jobs get to tool around in the desert blowing each other up so BP can build another oil pipeline. Weeeeeeeee.
OK, I’m sorry; this quagmire isn’t the fault of the grunts. And besides, General Westmoreland says we can still win this thing if he can just get ~20,000 more troops. Oh wait….
Hmm. I graduated high school, and applied to UNM. Did not have the paience to deal with admissions like some of my friends and joined the Navy.`25+ years later, none of them are working in the fields they got their degrees in, still paying back student loans. Me? I’m working with what the Navy taught me, making 50k a year without overtime. Sadly that is more than teachers get paid around here.
Where I’m at, 50k is comfortable, upper middle class. Any higher, and I start having to deal with politicos knocking on my door all day, and they are worse than the folks trying to save my soul every tuesday.
Let’s thank soldiers for fighting for that necessary war
Take your political head out of your ass for once, cunt.
You’re not by any chance a gun-toting flag-waving patriotic american GI, right?
My “political” head?
I’m not the citizen of a country with some trillion national debt here
If it had been a Stryker, it would have driven back to base. MRAPs are shitty. I am thankful I only did one mission in one.
Not saying they are not better then a HUMVEE, but they are far from the best thing out there.
I have a better idea: Thank the troops by bringing them home.
-11 for a touchy subject
Even better Idea, why don’t you thank the troops for letting you stay home.
Blame the management you Twat…. Soldiers just follow orders.
But I got nothing against them vietcongs
[removed by tiki]
[removed by tiki]
Oh, didn’t know BAE made these. Land and Armaments I assume (Since it’s not an airplane, ship, or IT for a government agency). How did you get that second picture? Up here at EI&S we can’t take cameras inside, and they only recently allowed camera phones as long as you don’t use it to take pictures. Although I guess they care more about keeping circuit diagrams for F-35s secret than pictures of armored vehicles.
Anyway, tell your husband to keep up the good work!
I’m not sayin’ how that pic came to be.
I can’t even tell what I’m looking at in the left picture. The lens is half covered. Is it even a vehicle?
Oh and while I have zero problem with our troops, we shouldn’t be there. Pull out and let the desert reclaim the land.
It is too bad that particular desert does not have Coriolis storms. The picture on the left is an MRAP, a much heavier armored vehicle that has replaced the Hum-Vee in many applications. The difference between the two pictures shown is what happened to the crew cabin. The MRAP’s cabin is intact, meaning the troops most likely survived. The Hum-Vee has had the rear section of its cabin decimated, most likely killing any soldiers who were in the rear of the cabin, and most likely all the soldiers in the vehicle died this way.
MRAPs are fucking awesome, I was saying that since the first time they showed one at all. Go Nyokki’s hubby.
Ok, so what good is survival if you are brain damaged?? Isn’t that very common among IED victims? I think I’d rather die outright.
You could always run for congress –
You can thank the private sector for the MRAP…
BAE has the current contract for the mraps.
Oshkosh too.
Maybe the FBI will send them theirs as a replacement: http://www.newscientist.com/gallery/dn16440-hardware-rolls-out-to-protect-obama-inaugration/4
I guess the better question is, why the hell do they have one to begin with? Has a land mine/IED ever gone off in America, let alone near an FBI car?
Thanks for wasting my tax money guys…
You know, an offshore oil rig has never exploded before, so obviously there’s no reason to have safety measures in place.
Terrorists have never tried to hijack planes and use them as flying bombs. No need for airport security.
…Seriously, though, what is with people not seeing the value of things until there is a major screw up? Just because something hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it.
We’re talking MRAP’s here…I mean seriously, you really think it was the best use of our tax dollars to buy one of these things for the FBI? National Guard, yes…but FBI?
Whoo! guns and bombs FUCK YEAH!!111
Yeah I’m so glad I’m paying my taxes so kids who couldn’t find real jobs get to tool around in the desert blowing each other up so BP can build another oil pipeline. Weeeeeeeee.
Seriously, though, you’re a dick.
OK, I’m sorry; this quagmire isn’t the fault of the grunts. And besides, General Westmoreland says we can still win this thing if he can just get ~20,000 more troops. Oh wait….
Hmm. I graduated high school, and applied to UNM. Did not have the paience to deal with admissions like some of my friends and joined the Navy.`25+ years later, none of them are working in the fields they got their degrees in, still paying back student loans. Me? I’m working with what the Navy taught me, making 50k a year without overtime. Sadly that is more than teachers get paid around here.
I went to ITT and make 50k a year at 20.
If they’re still paying back student loans 25 years after i don’t think they were the brightest bunch to start with.
Smart. Got what you needed/wanted without wasting time and money on State Institutions of Higher(HAH!)Learning.
I make nearly that and I’m still in grad school. No loans either.
Where I’m at, 50k is comfortable, upper middle class. Any higher, and I start having to deal with politicos knocking on my door all day, and they are worse than the folks trying to save my soul every tuesday.
I see no blood, and my IED blown to hell Hummvee had blood all over it. And they all survived.
Who needs properly equipped troops when God is on our side –
All depends where they were hit. Fuck a tank up the ass and it’ll crumble
I pay good money to get soldiers killed, I want a refund!
Don’t be silly, you pay taxes to make Lockheed, Haliburton and General Dynamics rich –
The dead soldiers are a free bonus!
Niggers dont pay taxes, they are on welfare.
Fuck…anyone on welfare isn’t paying taxes
People on welfare = terrosist
Sales taxes, gas taxes, FICA…
and non of those taxes matter, because it was ripped out of my pocket first.