humorous ski signs

humorous ski signs

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    i’m not rich enough to go skiing but the word ‘douchebag’ tickles my working class sensibility


    repoast, but true.
    every word


    not repost- from Australia. Merry Christmas!!!


    Blue/Green is missing the snowboarders sitting in the middle of the trail for no reason as well.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I like to go past the faggy skiers and knock the fronts of their skis out with my board.

    Or I used to. I haven’t been in while.

    I remember when snowboarders weren’t even allowed at most resorts. Good times.


    I like to stab neandrethal snowboarders with my rapier poles, watch them exsanguinate in the snow, straighten my ascot and monacle, say ‘pip-pip, and ski off.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Do you do it all while wearing those awesome cock pants that are supposed to be for racing and not for shaking your ass like a fairy while you make yourself look like a retard the whole way down the hill?


    I generally start in the blue, work up to single diamond, then end on blue again. Hubby and eldest brother do the double diamonds. The moguls just kill my knees.


    I live in Los Angeles. I see snow on the tops of the local mountains for a few hours after a three-day long winter storm.

    I like my weather warm and dry.

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