Googled to find out what you were talking about. She’s younger and hotter, but does the exact same thing and doesn’t do it any better (other than, again, younger and hotter). I like Amberthestylist, she’s got some good reviews. I’m torn between my love of hawt women and my love of people I actually want to hear open their mouths.
Thou dost wrong me! Faith, I know not where I wander; methinks the most capricious zephyr hath more design than I. But lo, do not detain me, for I am resolved to quit this place forthwith!
‘mkay. That is something more of a whole different level. Amber was taking existing clothes and making them work for the costume, while that costume is made whole-sail from original material. Perhaps a strange distinction, but it divides the world into those who are just making a costume for fun and those to whom it is a passion.
I think that if anyone makes their own costume and actually puts time, effort and money into it, then it’s a passion. I respect Amber for piecing together her costume because that takes a lot of dedication and creativity. HOWEVER, the costume that I showed you was also made by someone, and it was not wholesale. you can tell that it isn’t because of its workmanship compared to actual wholesale rogue costumes. I learned this from a website about the person who made the costume, but I can’t find the site again :(. the bottom one is wholesale. I still think she pulled it off nicely and played the part, but it’s not like I’ll respect her as a costume-maker. the only thing that bothers me is that I’m really critical over costumes, including my own, and I can’t stand the front zipper, the boots and the jacket. only because they aren’t close enough to the actual comic rogue. buuuuuut I did read her blog about how she made the costume and the reasons behind choosing the materials that she did, and I can see where she’s coming from. she definitely had a lot of useful and creative approaches. during the entire comicon that I went to, I didn’t pee because I couldn’t get out of my costume lol. on the plus side, I tried to make it as accurate as possible, regardless of any discomfort. and I was really, really reallyreally focused on doing as many things as possible to look exactly like her, including bleaching my own hair 3 times. SOOOOOO long story short, we may have done the same costume, but ours are both noticeably different. you can’t just group both of us into hot/young girl and then knowledgeable youtube comic review woman “who both did the same costume the same way,” because there ARE differences in the ways that we both approached making the costume. it also has nothing to do with my looks, my age, her mouth, or her youtube channel.
The two of us are using words in entirely different ways. I’m guessing that you used the word ‘wholesale’ more accurately than I did. The point I was trying to make is that you and the person you linked pretty much made your whole leather jacket and, um, ‘pantsuit’ (what is the correct term for the body-stocking thing that all 4-color superheroes wear?). Amber, on-the-other-hand, sewed together a two color vaguely representational bodysuit and then topped it off with an off the shelf leather jacket.
The point I was trying to make (and that I think you missed by leagues), is that she is a comic book commentator who enjoys the occasional cosplay, while you are a serious, died-in-the-wool cosplayer, and that the two should not be compared using the same metric. Much like I enjoy going to the Renaissance Fair in my chain shirt and helm and viking gear, while my buddy goes in his historically accurate Welsh ‘Battle of Agincourt’ outfit complete with everything but dissentary and gangrene.
You guys should listen to yourselves. Get out of the basement you comic book store geeks. Both are hot! Threesome is one thing, Cosplayer threesome is out of this world hotter!
Extremely convincing!
needs moar moutarde
lol coming from the 2 guys who got blocked by her.
Googled to find out what you were talking about. She’s younger and hotter, but does the exact same thing and doesn’t do it any better (other than, again, younger and hotter). I like Amberthestylist, she’s got some good reviews. I’m torn between my love of hawt women and my love of people I actually want to hear open their mouths.
moutarde did it better
Nope. Again, just hotter.
also lol’ing at the redneck ouija board
Whither goest thou, young rogue? Can there yet remain some villainy thou has not committed?
Thou dost wrong me! Faith, I know not where I wander; methinks the most capricious zephyr hath more design than I. But lo, do not detain me, for I am resolved to quit this place forthwith!
She does comic reviews on Youtube.
pffffffffffffffft who is this
Youtube channel: Amberthestylist
She did a set on Cosplay Deviant as Wonder Woman, though I refuse to pay for porn.
i dont care who she is, how can anyone top this Rouge?
Sorry… I got excited that watching/listening to a zillion hours of Comic podcasts finally paid off.
😀 tee hee
I saw her version of rogue when I was googling ideas for my costume. I didn’t like hers at all so I didn’t focus on it lol.
this is the best one that I saw
‘mkay. That is something more of a whole different level. Amber was taking existing clothes and making them work for the costume, while that costume is made whole-sail from original material. Perhaps a strange distinction, but it divides the world into those who are just making a costume for fun and those to whom it is a passion.
I think that if anyone makes their own costume and actually puts time, effort and money into it, then it’s a passion. I respect Amber for piecing together her costume because that takes a lot of dedication and creativity. HOWEVER, the costume that I showed you was also made by someone, and it was not wholesale. you can tell that it isn’t because of its workmanship compared to actual wholesale rogue costumes. I learned this from a website about the person who made the costume, but I can’t find the site again :(. the bottom one is wholesale. I still think she pulled it off nicely and played the part, but it’s not like I’ll respect her as a costume-maker. the only thing that bothers me is that I’m really critical over costumes, including my own, and I can’t stand the front zipper, the boots and the jacket. only because they aren’t close enough to the actual comic rogue. buuuuuut I did read her blog about how she made the costume and the reasons behind choosing the materials that she did, and I can see where she’s coming from. she definitely had a lot of useful and creative approaches. during the entire comicon that I went to, I didn’t pee because I couldn’t get out of my costume lol. on the plus side, I tried to make it as accurate as possible, regardless of any discomfort. and I was really, really reallyreally focused on doing as many things as possible to look exactly like her, including bleaching my own hair 3 times. SOOOOOO long story short, we may have done the same costume, but ours are both noticeably different. you can’t just group both of us into hot/young girl and then knowledgeable youtube comic review woman “who both did the same costume the same way,” because there ARE differences in the ways that we both approached making the costume. it also has nothing to do with my looks, my age, her mouth, or her youtube channel.
tl;dr: f u
The two of us are using words in entirely different ways. I’m guessing that you used the word ‘wholesale’ more accurately than I did. The point I was trying to make is that you and the person you linked pretty much made your whole leather jacket and, um, ‘pantsuit’ (what is the correct term for the body-stocking thing that all 4-color superheroes wear?). Amber, on-the-other-hand, sewed together a two color vaguely representational bodysuit and then topped it off with an off the shelf leather jacket.
The point I was trying to make (and that I think you missed by leagues), is that she is a comic book commentator who enjoys the occasional cosplay, while you are a serious, died-in-the-wool cosplayer, and that the two should not be compared using the same metric. Much like I enjoy going to the Renaissance Fair in my chain shirt and helm and viking gear, while my buddy goes in his historically accurate Welsh ‘Battle of Agincourt’ outfit complete with everything but dissentary and gangrene.
do you have pictures of you in your viking stuff? I want to see.
and the correct term is spandex suit lol
and this one
terrible costume. Awesome boobies.
It’s fairly easy actually.
Skin tight bodysuit…. your doing it right
+1 TrikYodz
Is that one of the ex-men?
I DEMAND more moutarde Rogue!
I uploaded all the good ones already
I inquire politely as to the possible further photographs of moutarde rogue please.
You guys should listen to yourselves. Get out of the basement you comic book store geeks. Both are hot! Threesome is one thing, Cosplayer threesome is out of this world hotter!
I approve 100% of both.
So…out of the basement and into the bathroom to jerk off?
Much as I’d like to believe otherwise: Rogue is not a zaftig MILF. End of discussion.