library slope

library slope

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    I saw this pic via Stumbleupon.
    I would love to go to this library (I think it’s in Stockholm).


    Nopes – it’s a CG project. Can’t remember the site I saw it on originally, but it went through the creation of it from start to finish, wireframe, textures, everything.

    It WOULD be an awesome library, though. 😀


    Found it – it IS a concept for the library, but I don’t think it ever got built –


    Now that is a slippery slope…


    Buy high quality book scanning equipment, hire people who know how to handle books, scan books, replace with server room that takes up 1/100th of the size.


    i think you’re missing the poiint…


    The point flew about a hundred metres over his head…


    nope the point 100m overhead is the point from which the Hubble telescope could see the actual point.

    read a book, read a book, read a Mutha-eff’in book!


    Check ’em out.


    Seriously. Libraries are places of refuge for slightly nerdy children who would rather read than get road rash playing “smear the queer.” If you replace libraries with servers, where do those children go?


    “If you replace libraries with servers, where do those children go?”

    Porn sites. Once they figure out how to backdoor & disable the filtering software.


    I like, but needs forcefield & explosive charges on the catwalks.


    oh –and a moat, with piranha.


    I’ll tempered piranha? With lasers attached to their heads?



    ~The Disgruntled Librarian


    fantastic. i hope they reconsider and build it somewhere and then also SORT THE BOOKS CORRECTLY BY AUTHOR.
    i hate bookstores where i live, never well sorted. i always end up just tottering about looking for the titles. good thing is i might find something i didnt think to buy aswell. wonder if thats why they do it.


    woooooooooow, I thought it was a brick wall, I was like “what library?”

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