anti-gay book

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    “Don`t be gay, Sparky. Don`t be gay.”


    I particularly enjoy the part where they describe a blowjob, as if the gays are the only ones that give and receive them.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You don’t know too many married straight couples do you?

    fracked again

    My preferred way of finishing with my wife. 🙂


    See also: anal sex, fisting, and golden showers.
    I suspect that Dick Hafer would not object to engaging in at least the first one with a woman. Or maybe he would. He seems awfully uptight. And judgy. I think it is jealousy, frankly. “Sex with no strings attached? Eeeew!”


    You know, the cover and the blurb at the bottom of the scan says this was done by Dick Hafer… but couldn’t that “f” really be a “t”?

    The name would make more sense then.


    That’s the way I read it too.


    Change the f to a t and begin the word with an E instead of an H.
    Dick Eater FTW!


    “It’s an incomplete and sordid lifestyle, totally absorbed by illicit sex!”

    Man, gay people have it all figured out.


    This sounds great! Where do I sign up?


    Was this published before or after they caught “Dick Hafer” blowing guys in a bus station bathroom?


    fracked again

    They eat da poo poo!


    but i liek getting dragged around by my hair and i’m not a gay man…


    omg. reading all the way through this was totally worth it. fuckin lol


    Handballing. Lol. This is total porno.


    Interesting set of stats this guy pulled out of his ass there.


    I love that they have all the characters ready to vomit at the thought of kissing xD Those gays and their evil kissing ways, corrupting the youth.


    wow, look at the bottom left corner. This guy is an asshole.


    I’ve never understood why some people get so worked up about what other consenting adults decide to do in their own homes. Makes no sense at all.


    I’ve never understood it either. Not only is it none of my business, most of the time, I don’t want to know.


    LOL yeah, that too.


    you poor confused godless wretches, (prolly sodomites too) :p jk


    LOL godless? funnily enough, I’ve actually known quite a few gay folks who went to church regularly. Not all of them were out, but…


    well its like those guys who flip out, kill people and keep the remains preserved in their basement – THEY keep that all safe and contained inside their home

    doesn’t make that right either


    Oh for crying out loud, please leave the straw man at home, on your couch, where he belongs. We are talking about consensual sex here, not serial killing.


    I thought we were talking about unreasoning hatred?
    Wait, I just noticed it was Kommissar who posted. I read it as him criticizing the uptight straight guy, but I’m reevalating seeing as he is one of those full to the brim with unreasoning hatred.
    Maybe he wrote this book?
    No, no, that would a require a higher level of literacy…


    I like how they describe the homosexual lifestyle as full of sex like it is a bad thing.


    I know, seriously, what in the name of all that is good is wrong with having lots of sex? So long as it is consensual, you don’t hurt anyone, and are safe about it, geez o pete, what is there to complain about?

    You know how many heterosexual married couples I know for whom sex is like a once in a blue moon thing? Is that really a better option?


    I heard or read somewhere that if the sex is good (in a marriage), it’s rated at 10% importance, but if the sex is bad, it’s 90% of the relationship…or something like that.

    I could not really imagine a basically sexless marriage. That said, sex doesn’t always have to be fornication, fellatio or even physical. There have been times when I was physically unable to have sex; we’ve always found a way to be intimately sexual.


    I don’t know any happy straight couples. Even the ones that work well together and support each other don’t have sex. It’s fucking horrible. Single is better. At least you don’t have to deal with a daily dose of crushing despair.
    I have a friend who was bi but is in a long term gay relationship because, as he says, “the sex is waaay hotter.” I have no idea whether is true for more gay couples than straight though.
    Christ, I know married couples that don’t even hug. I don’t know why people get married. It’s like sticking your neck in a noose. “Fingers crossed we don’t hate each other and feel trapped in a loveless marriage with kids in 10 years, ok honey?”


    Then you should get out and meet more people. I’ve been married for over 25 years and we normally have sex (of some kind) 5-7 days a week. My single friends go through long periods of (usually un-chosen) celibacy.


    I know lots and lots of people. Lots. I’m trying hard to think of a happy couple though. Not all of them are _unhappy_, but your kind of married life is in the minority. That being said, the kinkier the couple, the happier they are. Shared kinks keep couples content.
    I think a lot of people marry expecting to be able to mould the other person to suit them better. That doesn’t work.
    Of course, I’ve been single so long my opinion probably doesn’t count. But seeing how unhappy my married friends are, I don’t mind being single at all.

    Jesus Christ

    I honestly find it so awful that many people equate sex with being love. I physically can’t have sex with my husband because of the lack of hormones from my IUD (birth control makes me that way) and because of my Hashimoto’s (endocrine system; thyroid). He knew what he got when he married me. The reason I have an IUD, which inhibits my sexual appetite? No doctor is going to tie my tubes because WIMMINZ RUV BAYBEES and they’re convinced I’m going to change my mind one day.

    He’s on deployment, but I honestly can’t remember the last time I was aroused in the slightest way. Most times I remember fapping because I felt like I hadn’t done it in a while so I wanted a quick, comfortable numb.

    He’s probably unhappy I can’t have sex, but this is me not giving a fuck, literally.

    I’m not going to air out my grievances with people who probably don’t really care, soo… that’s about as far as I’m going to go.


    Hey JC,

    I see where you are coming from, but the honest truth is that for the vast majority of us, sex is a big part of being in love. There is nothing awful about that. I don’t think any of us are saying you can’t have love without sex, but it is certainly a really great way of expressing it.

    Your situation, however, is an unfortunate one. I’ve seen, first hand, with women very near and dear to me, the kind of cultural stigma and emotional harassment that women who don’t want to have kids have to endure. And so I have an idea how you feel.

    If you really feel that strongly about not having kids, you really should go looking for other doctors who are able to think beyond their own sociocultural programming. They do exist. Because at the end of the day, I think chemically castrating yourself is both unfair to both you, and your husband. Especially if you are actually able to enjoy sex otherwise.

    More importantly however, is that if you are in an emotional position where you do not care about your husbands physical needs, then I think you will have bigger things to worry about than whether or not you can have sex. Any relationship is based on two people caring for each other, and their emotions and needs. If you lose that, the relationship generally does not fare well.

    Jesus Christ

    Hey you~

    I appreciate your words. C: But I was saying I didn’t care because he knew what he was getting into and I wouldn’t be pressured into something I wasn’t interested in doing because if it’s like you said, that it’s based on two people caring for each other, then he needs to respect my non-wants for physical contact.

    I gave him a flesh light so he can leave me the fuck alone. He used to call me frigid in front of our mutual friends (whom are all men and I introduced him to, since they’re my childhood friends). It was hurtful to hear that he thinks it’s ALL ABOUT HIM. HERP DE DERP. He needs to get punched in the face, but at the end of the day, we are two of the same feather, who love video games, cats, and 4chan. I think I’m stuck with him. And I am okay with this. C:


    W.O.W. There’s some seriously hostile language there, JC. You may believe he should respect your non-wants, but it doesn’t seem like you give a flying fuck about his wants. If he knew this going in, well, who knows why he’d agree to a life spent with someone who gets angry if he wants to touch them. It takes all kinds. If he is in any way a normal man, with normal needs, I would think you should be thoughtful enough to let him hook up with willing, (flesh and blood not horrific squishy silicone tubes) ladies outside of your cat and xbox filled home.
    YOU’RE stuck with HIM? Poor you.
    So glad I’m single. Hell is other people.

    Jesus Christ

    I don’t give a hell about his wants because he’s long-berated me for being unable to have sex because OH NO IT MUST BE HIS FAULT. How would you feel if a woman did that to you? How you can’t give her any because you’re worthless? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    He knew everything from the start. We’re not normal people and never have been. Thank you for your poor judgment upon someone’s five year relationship you’ve only heard one side and two comments about. It’s truly much appreciated, and will be taken into consideration.

    I’m not angry, I just don’t like to be annoyed with petty things like sex when I have absolutely no sex drive, and he knows this. What’s that thing? That… you keep doing something and expect a different outcome? Oh. Stupidity.

    Jesus Christ

    “You” being used here as a “general you,” rather than an “accusatory you.” No offense intended.


    OK, I realize I’m asking really personal questions, so you can tell me to mind my own beeswax if I ask something that you do not wish to discuss.

    But it seems to me that you can actually enjoy sex if you really wanted to, but you’ve chosen not to do so with him, not because you don’t want kids, but for some other reason.

    There are so many other options for birth control that would sill allow you to have a sex life. If it is possible for you to actually enjoy sex, and you know your hubby would absolutely love to have sex with you, why wouldn’t you be looking for an alternative to your IUD?

    If you are absolutely certain you are going to tough it out with him, why not ask him to get snipped instead? Or does he also believe that you may want kids some day? And if not, why not try other birth control solutions?

    It just sounds to me like the two of you are punishing each other needlessly. He’s punishing you for your perceived unwillingness to be intimate with him, and you are punishing him for his lashing out in frustration, though I’m not entirely sure you realize how difficult it is for a guy to be with someone they love, and not be able to be intimate with them.

    I guess what I’m really interested in knowing is whether you actually do want to ever be able to have sex with your husband, and if not, why?

    Jesus Christ

    I’d love to. I really would. It’s just that.. well. I’m not going to air my grievances. I’m not going to try to explain myself to someone who persecutes me while assuming too much and knowing too little (EvilCritter) and be a cry baby about it (to you, Phyre). I’m not one to assume people really care about my problems, because in all actuality, I don’t even think I do. I expect no pity because I give none.

    >But it seems to me that you can actually enjoy sex if you really wanted to, but you’ve chosen not to do so with him, not because you don’t want kids, but for some other reason.

    No. I really can’t. I really actually get no enjoyment out of it.

    >why wouldn’t you be looking for an alternative to your IUD?

    Retarded-ass doctors tend to diminish that hope because I’m apparently too stupid to decide what I want for my vagina.

    >If you are absolutely certain you are going to tough it out with him, why not ask him to get snipped instead? Or does he also believe that you may want kids some day? And if not, why not try other birth control solutions?

    I did, and he said it’s cool. He doesn’t think that. I do want too, but there isn’t a doctor I’ve met who fucking cares about that.

    >It just sounds to me like the two of you are punishing each other needlessly. He’s punishing you for your perceived unwillingness to be intimate with him, and you are punishing him for his lashing out in frustration, though I’m not entirely sure you realize how difficult it is for a guy to be with someone they love, and not be able to be intimate with them.

    He knew what he was getting, just like I know what might happen to him going into the military. He might come back with no limbs… or might not even come back at all… That doesn’t mean I would stop loving him.
    I’m not entirely sure if you realize it’s equally, if not more, frustrating to me. This is intensive stress he’s put on me and has created for literally no reason, other than his selfish need.

    >I guess what I’m really interested in knowing is whether you actually do want to ever be able to have sex with your husband, and if not, why?

    I’d love to. It’s just not physically possible for me from the IUD and the combination of Hashimoto’s and anti-depressants I take to make me nicer. Yeah, this is me nicer, but with IUD hormone (progesterone, the pregnancy hormone). Hashimoto’s makes me have a low libido. He used to tell me to fuck off because, “it’s been five times all ready.” 😛


    Well, I do not think you would be being a crybaby to say what is on your heart. People are who they are, life gives you what it gives you, and everyone handles it differently. Either way, I have asked quite probing questions, and you have been quite a lot more forthcoming than I would have been, and I appreciate that.

    I guess the only other thing I would add regarding your husband is that if a guy really loves you, their wanting to be intimate with you is not always all for selfish reasons. Many of them want to make you feel loved, as much as they feel you love them.

    So though having sex is a strong biological imperative in men, it is not always about simply satisfying their own selfish needs. For the good men, at least, it is often just as much about satisfying you, as it is them. I hope you realize that.

    Nyokki pointed out, in another post, that you do not have to have sex in order to be intimate. And I agree with her. I think all the hurtful things he does to you are because of his frustration. I think that if you really would have sex with him if you could, maybe you can show it in other ways.

    He may know that you love him, but perhaps if you can show him that he may not be as mean to you as he has been. But I realize that everyone is different, and just because I think there are better ways of doing something does not make it true for everyone. I’ve known couples that stayed together into old age that were just absolutely mean to each other on a daily basis.

    I don’t think I’d ever want to be in that situation, but it works for some folks. Ultimately, the choice is all yours. You might find something you can do for him that wont rub you the wrong way either. It might actually help for you take the first step to help him deal with his pain, and in so doing, motivate him to stop trying to transfer it to you…

    Just my overinflated $.02

    Thanks for your honesty.


    First off, I’m a woman, so stop assuming I’m all about the sex because I’m a 14 year old boy with a raging libido. Thanks. Secondly, don’t tell your story on teh interwebs and expect not to be judged. It’s the internet. We’ll never meet, I have no need to sugar coat things with you, so I’m free to tell you exactly what I think. And what I think is that I don’t want to hear any more about your bleak existence. Phyreblade is super sweet and gently thoughtful, but I thing your relationship sounds less like a marriage and more like a prison sentence. A bad prison sentence in some third world country. You and your husband sound like you are bound together by webs of hostility. Seriously, you both must really love that fucking cat.
    I think the big question, that I really don’t care to hear the answer to because I am finding humanity as a whole depressing because of this convo, is, if you don’t want kids, will never even let your husband touch you, then why don’t you get the fucking IUD taken out? Don’t hand me that “stupid doctors” crap. Find another doctor. Hell, find a Catholic doctor who thinks birth control is evil and he won’t argue with you. Your excuses smell like bullshit. I believe, based on all the things you’ve said, that you are happy being miserable, and you like to share the pain around as much as you can. Humans seek human company for emotional support and physical affection. Your poor sad, angry, frustrated hubby is getting neither from you, and you like that just fine. Ugh. I don’t blame him for being angry and bitchy. Too bad he doesn’t have a physical ailment to blame it on, like you do. You seem to expect us to sympathize with you. Not a freaking chance. You sound like a real piece of work. All the best to your husband. I hope, someday, he is able to gather the tattered remants of his ego and find happiness elsewhere.


    I’ve been in your position, only didn’t know what was causing it. It was a rough patch in our marriage. I just didn’t realize how much being diabetic can fuck w/ your body (and this is doubly true of Hashimoto disease). I fully understand having zero sex drive and worrying about how I was gonna handle it the next time sex was on the menu. I was trying desperately to not overly arouse him in any way. We certainly didn’t look like a happy couple then. It turned out that the birth control I was using (depo shot) combined w/ diabetes had completely killed my libido. It just didn’t exist. Hubby agreed to a vasectomy (they wouldn’t tie my tubes) and I went off the depo and starting getting serious about controlling my sugar. Hubby says I’ve been making up for lost time ever since.
    I truly hope you and your hubby can find some way to work through this and come out the other side.

    Also, hubby did say some some pretty nasty things during this time, as did I. We made a conscious decision to forgive each other.

    Jesus Christ

    Thanks, Nyokki. You’re a sweetie. C:


    Point 1: Jesus`s hubby married her knowing all of this about her already.
    Point 2: I`m sure he could leave if he wanted to.
    Point 3: We all have different experiences in this life, on this planet. Experiences that aren`t necessarily *the norm*, which makes it hard for others to comprehend.
    Point 4: Get off Jesus` back.
    Point 5: Bet *I* could make her cum.


    Point 6: Jesus is a very young woman.
    NO doctor will touch that, hysterectomy-wise, unless it is life threatening. It would throw her into young menopause and fuck her up royally.
    That being said, I`ve wanted a hysterectomy since I knew what one was.
    I knew I never wanted kids, but you`ll NEVER convince any doctor of that.

    Jesus Christ

    This, especially 5.

    Jesus Christ

    >Nyokki pointed out, in another post, that you do not have to have sex in order to be intimate. And I agree with her. I think all the hurtful things he does to you are because of his frustration. I think that if you really would have sex with him if you could, maybe you can show it in other ways.

    Oh, I never disagreed for a moment. But he’s someone who can’t just have an appetizer, he has to have his full-course meal.

    >Just my overinflated $.02

    And I appreciated every bit~

    >First off, I’m a woman,
    Yipes. I never expected a woman would think that I should let my man run around with other bitches and potentially give me an STD if I ever get change.

    >Secondly, don’t tell your story on teh interwebs and expect not to be judged. It’s the internet. We’ll never meet, I have no need to sugar coat things with you, so I’m free to tell you exactly what I think. And what I think is that I don’t want to hear any more about your bleak existence.

    Siiiigh. I don’t care if you want to. I’m just telling you that I think you’re awfully assumptive to tell me all about my life story from two comments when you’re a newfag here.

    >Phyreblade is super sweet and gently thoughtful, but I thing your relationship sounds less like a marriage and more like a prison sentence. A bad prison sentence in some third world country. You and your husband sound like you are bound together by webs of hostility. Seriously, you both must really love that fucking cat.

    She is. She’s beautiful. <3
    Anyway, your key word there is, “I think.” (I’m going to hate myself if this is [] instead of ) The only thing we actually ever bitch at each other about is sex. We laugh at the same shit. I know him better than he does. So you just thinking that me not wanting to have sex with him (let alone anyone) is a prison sentence makes me think you had a really bad experience with someone you treated you poorly and I feel sorry for you.

    And yes, we do love my cat I’ve had for ten years.

    >I think the big question, that I really don’t care to hear the answer to because I am finding humanity as a whole depressing because of this convo, is, if you don’t want kids, will never even let your husband touch you, then why don’t you get the fucking IUD taken out? Don’t hand me that “stupid doctors” crap. Find another doctor. Hell, find a Catholic doctor who thinks birth control is evil and he won’t argue with you. Your excuses smell like bullshit.

    I never thought about that Catholic doctor thing but I should totally do it, but if you’re finding this depressing, have you not watched the news lately? There are far worse things to worry about. Also, I have. I’d give you a link to the LJ entry for cf_hardcore I did about it and how utterly pissed I was (which got me to call the AMA, my insurance company, et c.) that this bitch wouldn’t give a fuck about me.

    You’re blowing this out of proportion. I was trying to deal with the high road but since you’re driveling down into nonsense, maybe I’ll take a moment to say this: Maybe your fucking implications make you unbearable to be around, therefore, you’re single.

    >I believe, based on all the things you’ve said, that you are happy being miserable, and you like to share the pain around as much as you can. Humans seek human company for emotional support and physical affection. Your poor sad, angry, frustrated hubby is getting neither from you, and you like that just fine. Ugh. I don’t blame him for being angry and bitchy. Too bad he doesn’t have a physical ailment to blame it on, like you do. You seem to expect us to sympathize with you. Not a freaking chance. You sound like a real piece of work. All the best to your husband. I hope, someday, he is able to gather the tattered remants of his ego and find happiness elsewhere.

    I fucking lol’d. Over two comments and you know my life story. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’ve needed this.

    Jesus Christ

    Also, I’m sharing this thread with my husband, since he’s on here too but on deployment so I’m ALWAYS sending him pics and screenshots. But I think he needs this too since apparently, what he knows about me in five years can’t compare to your knowledge of me in three or four comments. HE SHOULD KNOW HE HAS A BROKEN EGO.

    Jesus Christ

    >Hubby agreed to a vasectomy (they wouldn’t tie my tubes)

    And Nyokki has two kids, if I am not mistaken, and they won’t tie her tubes. I’m twenty years old and have no kids. If you’ve never been down this route of trying to be sterilized then you actually don’t know how much bullcrap I get for, “being too young.”

    So enjoy your unfounded and uninformed opinions, Critter. I’m sure they’ll serve you well in the dating world.


    You’ve been married since you were 15? Wow. Sure I’m single. That’s fine by me. Single is better than being with someone who won’t put out. Sure I’ve had bad experiences with boyfriends. I’ve also had lovely ones. Who hasn’t? Humans can be terrible and wonderful to each other. But, as I said, I’d rather be alone than in your situation. If you said you were happy I’d think “fine, to each their own,” but you’ve made it clear that neither of you are happy and this issue has lead to hostility, anger, accusations, etc. That’s what you’ve said, I’m not fabricating it. It angers me that you seem to be unwilling to see his side. You also seem to believe that I, as a woman, should think your husband’s desire for sex is pervy and selfish, and, as a woman, I find that small-minded and sad. Perhaps _I’m_ not the one with past issues. After all, my libido is fine.


    I do actually know a few happy straight couples. But for every happy straight couple, I can also show you 5 (possibly more) unhappy couples, who stopped having sex, don’t even hug, and are essentially just room mates, or even yell at each other on a daily basis, and a plethora of divorcees.

    It’s interesting how much of a sociocultural stigma unmarried couples carry, given the statistics.


    The thing is, happy or sad, married or single, we all deal w/ the same shit. It doesn’t really matter. It’s not always a marriage that is bad, sometimes it’s the people. Being single means having to deal w/ things yourself, sometimes that makes it easier, sometimes not. If you’re 30 years old and single, you start to worry; will I find anyone, ever? If your 30 and married, you start to worry; is this it, same person forever and ever? 30 and single, do I ever want kids, how much time have I got? 30 and married, when the kids grow; I’ll be old, is it too late to have fun?
    It doesn’t really matter if your married or single, humans worry.


    Sounds like you know some people who got married for stupid, shitty reasons.


    Glory hole FTW.


    It shouldn’t be too hard to identify who “Dick Hafer” really is, based on the cartooning style. I’ll run this up the comics-nerd flagpole and see if I get any names.


    Well, whaddya know:

    At least he’s dead.


    Probably died regretting never going farther with that boy scout troop leader in ’43.


    Wow… this piece of cerebral diarrhea is so full of unintentionally funny shit… I can’t seem to choose my favorite.

    Wait, I can… 12th image… bottom right… “And it’s dangerous to the PENETRATOR, also!”

    Henceforth, I shall be know as… the PENETRATOR! *Tatakau Monotachi track from Final Fantasy Advent Children begins playing*


    Epic Mental image is EPIC.

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