there is an evil part of me kind of hopes this happens….
Michael Bay would totally back this. Coming to a theatre near you 2012 just in time for the apocalypse.
This would be truly spectacular!
Yes, you left out flaming alligators.
Dear god, can I please have a flaming alligator. (NOT a gay alligator either)
Once again, I can not wait until Armageddon!!
3 chomps in a Z formation 🙂
Talk about firestorms…
Although if it hit Texas, we’d lose roughly 50 cents worth of people.
/yes, I messed with Texas //getting away with it, too
and half the stock holders of the other major oil companies.
No, they would be safe in their fireproof money arsenals.
Hurricane never hit the important parts of Texas. Just Poopston and the shore.
I’ll bring the marshmallows!!! someone bring graham crackers and chocolate!!
Oil in a fine mist would just explode, not burn continuously
Already been conceived. Here’s the movie poster:
shakespeare, anyone?
This would, in fact, be awesome.
This may be God’s way of finishing the job he started with Katrina.
Michael Bay would totally back this. Coming to a theatre near you 2012 just in time for the apocalypse.
This would be truly spectacular!
Yes, you left out flaming alligators.
Dear god, can I please have a flaming alligator. (NOT a gay alligator either)
Once again, I can not wait until Armageddon!!
3 chomps in a Z formation 🙂
Talk about firestorms…
Although if it hit Texas, we’d lose roughly 50 cents worth of people.
/yes, I messed with Texas
//getting away with it, too
and half the stock holders of the other major oil companies.
No, they would be safe in their fireproof money arsenals.
Hurricane never hit the important parts of Texas. Just Poopston and the shore.
I’ll bring the marshmallows!!! someone bring graham crackers and chocolate!!
Oil in a fine mist would just explode, not burn continuously
Already been conceived. Here’s the movie poster:
shakespeare, anyone?
This would, in fact, be awesome.
This may be God’s way of finishing the job he started with Katrina.