That thing looks deep. info:
A huge sinkhole caused by tropical storm Agatha, in Guatemala City, on Monday, May 31. A violent storm that whalloped Central America over the weekend killed more than 100 people and left a swath of destruction, officials said Monday.
That shit right there is insane.
Aww man! I missed the silver surfer.
It’s God’s Fifi.
I think we found where BP can dump the oil!
What the hell does a city/state/whatever do about the giant hole in the middle of the street? this isnt like a pothole that you can easily fill and pave over.
They put a fence around it and call it a national landmark.
It puts the lotion on the skin….
That’s some bad level design.
There is a three story building in that hole…
Fill it. Fill it now before the hadals start popping out and killing us.
Holey shit.
The molepeople come.
Quick…somebody exploit with Jack Kirby monsters!
Behold the UNDERMINER! I’m always beneath you, but NOTHING is beneath ME!
central americans divide by zero, obvious outcome ensues.
this is not SPARTA! this is GUATEMALA! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!
Swear I thought these were shoops on first glance. It’s just so…circular.
Yeah, is it normal for sinkholes to be that perfectly round?
This one is rounder than most, but yes they all tend to have a fairly circular pattern.
The CHUDs are coming!
The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.
Fuckin’ WIN.
Balrog Crossing?
Nobody listens…
I really can’t help it.
This is a sign to me that the world is slowly ending. Can you imagine standing there and just seeing a building disappear right before your eyes? I think I would, in quite a literal sense, shit myself as I ran away yelling. It looks like it goes down forever.
This has always happened. Google it. Stop saying stupid shit like “OMG DUDES VULCANOS THE WORLD IS SLOWLY ENDING!”
speed 4 glacier of doom!
need to drop a flare down there and see how deep it goes. i want to see what it looks like in there – i wonder if it’s shallow enough to rope down. i mean, it looks not just deep but like it actually *opens up* down there and there’s a whole chamber area – what’s in the under-city?
I really want to see what’s down there.. How deep does it go? Is there a cave? Can we get down into there? Google must inform me of this at once!
Naw… Nothing to see down there. Move along now…
This kind of hit is so cool!! I mean, who would have thought of this?? Then BAMM!! The world shows us that we ain’t shit! Now if only zombies would pour forth from the depths…
God, the hardest part about a zombie apocalypse would be pretending that I’m not excited.