This is an ecological problem, not a political one. Ecosystems are the ones suffering, not America. Tho I don’t envy the gulf states. This problem is related to poor regulation, and it was caused by companies that put profit before safety standards. Any country that uses petroleum cannot point a finger at America. Its all a part of the same business. Oil companies are global, the politics of it are global.
The problem being, is that the spokesman for Sham-WoW got arrested for beating up a prostitute.
Check out his booking photo’s under the main article. They are epic!
and how is it a problem?
this whole thing makes me want to tar and feather someone.
I want to open the dump valves on oil tankers
and smother all the French beaches I’d never see.
I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn’t screw to save its species.
I’ll never be able to laugh at that situation
Am i the only person who is mostly apathetic on the issue?
apathetic in that feeling bad / forgetting in a week / ignoring the elephant in the room sort of way, yes
any one of us giving a genuine shit on the issue, no
America deserves it, fuck yeah!
This is an ecological problem, not a political one. Ecosystems are the ones suffering, not America. Tho I don’t envy the gulf states. This problem is related to poor regulation, and it was caused by companies that put profit before safety standards. Any country that uses petroleum cannot point a finger at America. Its all a part of the same business. Oil companies are global, the politics of it are global.
Honestly, it was the smiley that pissed me off. Not all Americans are arrogant self-absorbed fuckholes.
guess that asshole doesnt realize the planet circulates water throughout. fuck yea.