Kurosaki Ichigo

bleach.jpg (605 KB)

Substitute Shinigami

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    Yin/Yang Draw


    swasitka hand guard




    Watch anime = weeaboo
    Do sports = jock
    On internet = recluse

    Prejudiced = A stupid fuck is what you are


    Getting angry over someone referencing a ubiquitous internet meme = having really interesting priorities.




    Source: http://tobiee.deviantart.com/art/black-and-white-56703185?q=gallery%3Atobiee%2F389136&qo=113

    The artist’s more recent stuff is awesome, this one’s old.


    BLLLLLEEEAAAACHHH, beh, cannot wait for the gay mime arc to end.


    Is that what this is? I have no familiarity with this storyline or characters. I find the swastika hand guards distracting. It’s so divorced from any other Nazi symbolism that I wonder why they’re there (yeah yeah yeah, “other cultures used the swastika as well as the Nazis,” That was before the internet).


    Because that dude in Japan probably have no idea what the hell some whitey Germans was doing with the swastika at all.


    I’m pretty sure that Japan was allied with Germany during WWII. But I don’t think that Japan is quite as sensitive about it since the Jewish and others targeted during the war are not among them. It’s just another symbol.


    Manji, not swastika.


    You know, a few of the most mainstream anime sold to american children have swastikas,
    Naruto: http://media.onemanga.com/mangas/00000004/000101792/06.jpg
    (though I’m pretty sure they edited out when they brought it to America)
    Bleach as seen above
    and…well, I wouldn’t know about one piece since 4kids raped that show like nothing before.


    I don’t know where you guys are, but I’m catching it from dattebayo.com. They finally got past the zanpaktou arc and are back on track in huecuo mundo.


    The filler arc is over?! Happy day!

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