Haven’t seen the move (ICK!!!) but that pic is from a diagram/poster behind the mad scientist guy in a still shot I saw. I guess a scene where he is proposing his project to “investors”?
It’s from Holland. A movie I shall avoid. I like my films scary, not gross. I hate the torture porn trend. It is deeply unimaginative and requires no skill, just the ability to imagine something gross or painful.
“The inspiration for the film came from a joke Tom Six frequently made to friends about punishing people such as child molesters by stitching their mouths to the anus of an overweight truck driver. He saw this as the concept for a great horror movie, and he began to develop the idea.”
Hey! Lets unleash a punishment only fit for child molesters on innocent people! And, and the doctor who does it is German! So he’s like, an homage to evil Nazis! So it’s not like I’m sick or anything for coming up with this, it’s totally symbolic and shit.
hmmm … I need to think about this for a little while.
I prefer the furry cup to a ceramic mug any day!
Hey, that was my next guess.
i prefer sippy cups and juice myself. one is really too old for that sort of thing unless they want to be
looks a bit shitty to me
This generations “Plan 9 From Outer Space.”.
The human centipede is actually a (german?) movie that came out this year. This is pretty much the premise apparently.
It was laughable.Nothing scary or disgusting about.
I saw clips of it tonight…. Pretty fucked up!
this movie stole time from me i can never get back but i would still buy the mug
Without knowing about the centipede movie, I thought of a sequel of 2 girls 1 cup; 3 guys 1 cup.
plz hand me the brainbleach !
This movie wasn’t scary, but it was humorous and very disgusting at the same time. I liked it a lot.
Three guys, one mug.
Haven’t seen the move (ICK!!!) but that pic is from a diagram/poster behind the mad scientist guy in a still shot I saw. I guess a scene where he is proposing his project to “investors”?
It’s from Holland. A movie I shall avoid. I like my films scary, not gross. I hate the torture porn trend. It is deeply unimaginative and requires no skill, just the ability to imagine something gross or painful.
^That right there.
“The inspiration for the film came from a joke Tom Six frequently made to friends about punishing people such as child molesters by stitching their mouths to the anus of an overweight truck driver. He saw this as the concept for a great horror movie, and he began to develop the idea.”
Hey! Lets unleash a punishment only fit for child molesters on innocent people! And, and the doctor who does it is German! So he’s like, an homage to evil Nazis! So it’s not like I’m sick or anything for coming up with this, it’s totally symbolic and shit.
His nickname is Tom Sux.
He us not well liked.
When I was checking it out the first thing I thought is “This takes ass to mouth to a whole new level.”
I would drink something that would help me forget the combination of ass to mouth and intelligent design.
Roger Eberts’ review: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100505/REVIEWS/100509982
The movie looks dumb as hell, I have no plans of wasting 2 hours of my life ever watching it.
found out where to but it! they also have a trucker hat and a tie http://www.zazzle.com/l33tn00b