toe tattoo

toe tattoo.jpg (25 KB)


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    Amputee humor is the best.
    I’m a double below knee amputee, and I’ve got some great shirts / stickers.

    Shirts that reads: Leg Story $10, Soldier for Sale – 50% off, some assembly required

    You gotta laugh about it, else you’ll go mad with frustration.




    Had friend who was missing an eye, he made a glass eye with the diamonds of his wedding ring after his wife left him after the accident. He says its his most valuable thing and it looks insane.


    Yeah, that has to look pretty wicked.




    My MIL has some pretty cool replacements. I think they’re made from coral.
    …and yeah, pics.


    The big toe goes to market, the second one stays home.

    There’s another pic floating around of some girl who lost a big toe and had this tattoo done correctly.
    If you’re going to steal a pun, at least execute it corrctly.


    Only in the English/Christian version, which there many others. The original goes all the way back to the Persian Empire. The first version was said to be given to the people by the first monotheistic god Ahura Mazda. It’s more along the lines of a parable back then relating to the five possessions all Zoroastrians should have to be in good keepings of their god. The first was to have a good stock of farm animals, ergo “piggies”, to sell and have a high status, but also to give to the soldiers of the Persian Empire for their fight against the Greek Empire (because they kept their food live in tow).

    The second was to have an abundance of crops, so they can set some aside as a sort of a sacrifice to Ahura Mazda for a good growing season next year.

    The third was to have many wives to give birth to many young men who can fight for the sake of their god and country.

    The fourth was to show your wealth in gold and jewels to show nonbelievers how good your god is to you, and to also give to Ahura Mazda as a sort of tithing.

    The fifth tenet was to have wisdom by continually learning so you know when some asshat is making shit up on the internet. I made all this shit up.


    Dude. You people are fucking evil.

    I was always joyful when I got to play ring around the rosie until some ass-goblin comments on the all fall down (Black plague) part.

    Rock-a-by baby was a lovely little lullaby until the cradle falls and London gets bombed.

    Stop telling people about the horrors of our childhood. We don’t need to know we thought the black death dance was awesome when we were little. That sort of emotional damage is how 4chan started.

    Even if you made it up. Be aware that an emotional virus caused the /b/lack plague.

    Tirade over.

    Funny story though dude. Quite imaginative! 😛


    Ring around the rosie is NOT about the plague. That was just trollin’.


    Yeah, I already had a “prove it or pound it” comment in my head by the middle of the first paragraph.
    I did read it all though, so i’ll throw you 2 pity internet points for your effort.


    that son of a bitch was supposed to stay home! that’ll teach him (or her) to leave home (or the kitchen)


    Witty 😀


    TIKI! Let’s get this thread rollin’ so we can get some capital for Synthetics and compatriots!

    We all have some cash we can cough up, and I’m sure he can direct us to the proper channels. If we all gave $10 it’d do something.

    You collaborate with him make this a theme and I’ll send a few hundred.

    Vote this shit up! And thank you Synthetics for your service.


    I appreciate the offer my friend, but don’t worry about me, Uncle Sam has taken care of his military this time around.

    Also, I need to dig up some pics.


    Yeah, it’s rude to tell Tiki to tell/suggest what to do with his site.

    I’d just love to start some kind of matching fund website that’ll help people.




    LOL… Win.

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