the fallicious logic argues that the rest of the demograph are similar due to a singular case study being both attributes.
Kinda like saying if I had interests in both the democratic/republican party, that makes me both democratic and republican, which makes the rest of the democratic / republicans republicans / democratics.
This logic seems undeniable…
…except for the fact that Tetra =/= Zelda.
My perception of reality has now been shattered
Well that’s it.
I’m going back to drinking.
Zelda != Sheik. Unless Zelda has the chest, arms, and legs of a dude. And is wearing red contact lenses.
she uses magic… to turn herself into a dude. How cool is that?
And thus a thousand disturbing fanfics were born…
Ever played Ocarina of Time? It literally states that she is Sheik.
Tetra is the Reincarnation of Zelda, Sheik is a transformation of Zelda.
Wish i thought of this myself.
the fallicious logic argues that the rest of the demograph are similar due to a singular case study being both attributes.
Kinda like saying if I had interests in both the democratic/republican party, that makes me both democratic and republican, which makes the rest of the democratic / republicans republicans / democratics.
You sir, win 20 logic points and my gratitude for bring sense and order back to the universe!
In other words. Pirates =/= Ninja.
Thank you.
Cervantes A Zombie Pirate with many Ninja like abilities
This man(?) is a much stronger example of this topic, but the Pirate must be a zombie before he also becomes a ninja
Cervantes is an anomaly so far as Pirates are concerned. Few, pirates have his abilities. And either way, he’s still not actually a Ninja.
Mind = Blown