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    Tell that to Rock Lee.


    I wish the core of MY body looked like an advanced stoplight!


    Do not want.





    Rudolph the red-cocked chakra…


    . . . and when I get powers, I remember what it felt like to be human.


    better yet check this out

    believer or not his art is amazing


    I have a copy of sacred Mirrors, the art book. It’s amazing. I would love to see his originals up close someday.


    I will open your chakras THE HARD WAY!


    My music theory teacher was this insane new-ager who used to go on class long rants on why any “electronic music” (i.e. any sort of music that utilized any sort of electric element, such as a an electric guitar or a keyboard), namely metal, was bad because it “scrambled your chakras out of alignment” or some bullshit. It should also be noted that she was constantly sick.


    I would have dropped the class had I been you and gotten in a huge argument with the teacher seeing as my favorite genre is metal. Fuckin’ teacher spreading lies about some bullshit mystical crap that says it’s bad.


    My music theory teacher loved metal. Well he didn’t love it, he expressed appreciation for the skill it takes to play technical-death, prog-metal. He was fond of dream theatre. But that was as metal as he got.

    Mr Tippings

    So what you’re saying is that chakras are the delusions of the sick and insane? Because your teacher was sick and insane and believed in charkras. This is your proof that chakras don’t exist?

    “How fuckin’ scientific.” – Bill Hicks

    Scientists say that anyone researching auras and chakras through exploring ideas such as Kirilian photography and the human endocrine system (wiki links below) are not sciencey enough because they are only seeing what they want to see. The irony is that your post contains no science to back your conclusion and it appears that you are only seeing what you want to see.


    I wasn’t trying to say anything, nor was I trying to provide any sort of argument. I was simply giving an anecdote regarding a former teacher of mine.


    Mr Tippings

    You weren’t trying to say anything but you accidently said something very clearly my friend.


    And you skillfully uncovered my hidden message. Not that it matters, though, as you are most certainly a sickly, insane man in a very similar fashion to my music theory teacher… None the less. Damn and blast your eyes, sir.

    fracked again

    It isn’t sciency enough because it is completely unreproducible, does not fit with verifiable scientific knowledge, and has no biological or physical plausibility.

    Mr Tippings

    People are trying to see if there’s perhaps more to us than what meets the eye. The sooner people discover that there is a magnetic element to our bodies then they could change their way of thinking so they aren’t all dying on their feet.

    “People aren’t living longer, they’re dying longer.” – Someone.

    How exactly is it unreproducible?
    Why does it not fitting with verifiable scientific knowledge make any difference? Isn’t that the point of it being revolutionary knowlege? Science used to be the pursuit of truth.


    How can you say it has no biological or physical plausibility when there are no instruments that could even measure or observe the supposed chakra? By this logic X-rays never existed before Crookes tubes and photographic plates were invented. Also what large scale honest attempts at reproducing the supposed effects or presence of a chakra has been attempted? What equipment did they use to measure the effects?


    I’ve never understood why otherwise rational people insist on making statements of “scientific” fact based on non-science, as if that is any more valid than saying “Electrons don’t exist because none of us have the equipment to test for their existence.”

    There are so many unknown unknowns in the universe. It is just flat out unscientific to act like every unknown is a known unknown. There is no shame in saying “I don’t know”, Or “There is no way to validate or invalidate this hypothesis at this point.”

    Jumping on the “This is BS.” bandwagon just because something does not fit neatly into the current body of scientific knowledge has been a myopic and ultimately damaging practice to science as a whole.


    needs more chakras


    why are people so easily fooled by obviously fake shit?


    fake chakras are fake


    avatar, the last airbender

    chakras are awesome!


    The red chakra indicates a burning and itching sensation.

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