I know tiki and you guys are obsessed with these two girls. I’m not sure about the pale one, but here you go. If you look real close you can see Daniel Radcliffe hiding under Emma’s dress.
christina hendricks and natalie portman on the red carpet
Added on May 10th, 2010 by burgerpimp | Report Post
Tags:Christina Hendricks, Emma Watson, Sexy, Vertical Wallpaper
Tags:Christina Hendricks, Emma Watson, Sexy, Vertical Wallpaper
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That’s not Natalie Portman.
Yeah, nice dress Mr. Dawkins!
Emma Granger?
Hermoine Watson?
Meh, WTB Moar Hendricks!
Is it the dress or has Hendricks beefed up a little. Still hot though.
Fuckin’ A!
fucking miracles!
How do they work?
No, no, no. You meant to say “fucking Emma Watson!”, as in “I’d like to be…” :^)
natlie portman is hiding behind CH’s hips
Along with the legions of men in line for when she divorces that Arend douche.
No, that’s Natalie on Christina’s shoulder.
Shouldn’t this be under WTF? Because WTF?
OMFG Emma looks so fucking hot here.
usually both are hot, but i’ll toss chubby to the side in this competition
I prefer the large tits and nice hips, personally. If given a choice, I would drug them so I could fuck them both.
I’m all about the curves. Given a choice, I’d be cruisin’ teh curves…
Christina FTW.
om nom fap nom fap fap nom
I have improper thoughts about Ms. Watson
That’ll be 3 Hail Marys
God damn that woman has fantastic tits
I do believe I’d let Emma pee on my face, just to see where it came from. LOL
I second that providing it didn’t smell too bad and I got to take pictures
How could you tell, given the amazing stink you bring to everything you touch?
She obv wouldn’t let me touch it,obv
Sooo… You’re saying that you’d second Emma peeing on rainman97361s’ face so you could take pictures?
moar emma
Am I going to be the only one to say that the second pic looks shooped??
How can people here pay attention to that stick insect when you got something like Hendricks surpassing it in every way imaginable?
I am paying attention to both.
You know, I think Christina Hendricks has a lovely body but her face is terrible.
You can keep that big, swollen, red thing. I’ll take Emma off your hands for you.
Hahahaha! Seriously. You’d be struck dumb if you saw either of these ladies on the street. Such high standards you have, acting all Hugh Hefner online.
I’d love to see Christina Hendricks’ red carpet