wtf is wrong with comic sans?

wtf is wrong with comic sans.jpg (41 KB)

even written out, this still confuses me.
How and why does a font offend people?

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    It is just annoying when your academic uses this in a presentation while talking about the metabolism of ten thousand bacterias. It ins not appropriate and somehow manages to disturb and piss you off at the same time. Many people, especially academics, seem to think that this font makes the things they try to convey more easy and somehow funny, and these are always the people who then bore you to death with their liveless, awful lectures. This font is a sure sign for an awful presentation.

    I hate comic sans. Yes, there are cases where it is nice and appropriate, but the wrong people use it so often that many people are conditioned to hate it.


    ^^ This.

    Comic sans is a font that derives from and for comic books; the letters are spaced such that in absorbent paper, the ink doesn’t run into each other, and ‘oh look he’s got a flick knife’ doesn’t become ‘oh look he’s got a fuck knife’.

    Too many people think it livens up what they’ve written and use it in formal contexts, where it is entirely inappropriate. Many idiots use it on shop signs and billboards, again thinking it livens up what they’ve written – when they scroll down the list in MS Word, they see the word ‘comic’ and give themselves a little chuckle as they take all seriousness out of what they’ve written.

    It’s not a fun font you fucking retards, it’s so you can read when printing on high absorbency paper.


    That would explain why I find it easier to read.


    Helvetica is most commonly and widely used font.


    sans serif is rarely used in print or works derived from print… so most books use something like times. Most websites default to fonts designed for web presentation like verdena. I call shenanigans.

    Also… I’d rather see comic sans than mistral…


    At least it isn’t as overused as Papyrus. Now there is a font i fucking HATE.


    i hate them both, equally, but for different reasons.


    But… but… but… I LOVE papyrus… 🙁


    Because /b/tards need something to mock, of course.


    Geocities instantiated the hate for Comic Sans.

    Also, the kerning is atrocious for this font. MS was trying to trump Apple when they created this and other fonts. Only Papyrus and Comic Sans survived I think.


    Arial and Times New Roman are still widely used… those were basically windows versions of Helvetica and Times…

    We could all switch to Impact and Curlz for everything… that would rawk…


    Ditto on the kerning. The only thing that’s worse in that respect is all-caps Old English, which is why you only ever see it in retarded gang tattoos.


    welcome to the internet


    *shrugs* It’s easy to read (for me) and that counts, though I definitely wouldn’t use it for papers or tests.


    It`s the overuse of low contrast background colors on some websites that get me.Who cares about font when you can`t clearly read the shit anyway.


    This ^^


    I used Comic Sans in my business plan which my bank has accepted and approved. 🙂


    Hey kid, I’m a computer: stop all the downvoting.

    Doc Shadow

    A super quick typography lesson and why people view this as an important issue.

    Serif fonts, the ones with the “squiggles” and what not, were created for print. They help lead the eye and better define groupings of characters.

    San-serif, or plain, fonts are used primarily in the digital world. It turns out that once you pixilate serifs the fonts become very hard to read. Helvetica, verdana, and related fonts are based on vectors. Not being based on rasterization (pixels)they are much easier to read on a screen.

    However, each of the broad sets of fonts like these are based on some fairly careful science for reading and ease of use. The trillions of other fonts are just based on “looking nice” regardless of readability.

    And this is why people despise comic sans.


    I think I missed something.


    Almost everything you said was wrong. cool.

    Serif fonts originally came from a holdover of stone cutting. The serifs were cut in to the edges of text because it kept them from chipping and degrading as quickly. (squiggles? lol).

    San-serifs came into popularity in the late ’50s because they looks more modern and were used to differentiate more classical from the newer or more modern / progressive signage and print.

    Helvetica, verdana, and related fonts? heh. Fonts are based on design… they can be designed using pixels or vectors. Has nothing to do with the font design itself. While serifs traditionally were harder to read (10+ years ago)… sub-pixel anti-aliasing fixed this so that serif fonts now are generally readable on most computer displays. Verdana was specifically designed for online presentation by having letter shapes and kerning that worked well with digital displays. Since no display actually works on vectors but instead works on pixels… it doesn’t matter (from a display standpoint) what the file is. I highly doubt that helvetica (designed in 1957) was done with vector files in mind.

    The problem with comic sans is that it is, typographically speaking, a niche font. With the introduction of wysiwyg document editing available to everyone… people started throwing tons of different font faces into their documents. You end up with a lot of people that see a font and think “oh, that’s fun” and use it… but without understanding how a font will work or how to properly lay out a document… what you end up with is crappy looking documents. Usually they try to combat this by adding more fonts… colors… and god-forbid word art. Designers hate this because comic sans is just a boring, overused, and in large quantities… ugly font. It makes most documents look sloppy and unprofessional… and most people will perceive this even if they don’t understand why.




    you’re on the internet. that’s tantamount to heresy.


    you had me at tantamount


    I fucking love Calibri C:


    sup, impact


    ^^^ yo dawg… I heard you like fonts… so we squeezed more font into your font so you can read while you read.


    Back in college I always used courier new, comic sans is annoying, but it isnt insanely annoying. Now that fight club font that was all the rage for a year, now that was annoying.


    I always use Times New Roman.

    In high school Arial & Times New Roman were the only two approved fonts

    Sans is annoying


    Fonts are far too trivial for me to bother hating one… Hate something worth hating dammit. Like Nazis, pedophiles, or that creepy fucker in your neighborhood that you swear tries to look through your window with binoculars while you change.




    graphic designers and people who think they are graphic designers hate comic sans because it is an ugly font. other people don’t care. if you hate comic sans, you better make a living hating comic sans, because otherwise you are just being a douchebag.


    This looks like it was made by idiots who have nothing to do. 😐

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