Star Signs

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    Fucking right I’m a prick…cunt too.


    I am too. *High Five*


    Sorry I don’t believe in horseshit.


    How can you not? Its a tangible thing!


    Does college count as prison? 🙁


    I wonder what pathetic little shit is going to murder me… probably a Cancer. Pricks.


    I understand how you feel.
    Where do you live? I’ll stop by when I get around to it!


    In WV, I’m not hard to find just… wait a sec, you won’t trick me that easily. I need to be confused by breasts first.


    WV? Where? I’m in the eastern panhandle.

    Oh and jedi, don’t try to murder me. I’m a prick.


    A smidge South of Central. Closest landmarks to me are WVUIT and the prison. An hour or so drive from, er, most everything. The place where people ask directions to/from and you reply with “Oh, you can’t get there from here. You have to go somewhere else first.”

    So you’re in the “stolen counties” area, eh?


    Yeah, I’m only 30-40 minutes away from anything. Next thing you know, we’ll be living in towns, where you look out your winder an’ see folks.


    Ick, towns. Who needs them.

    I look out to one side of my house and I see goats. Used to be cows but the guy got up in years and goats are easier to take care of. Does present me the opportunity to make plenty of disturbing jokes though.


    I’m bisexual, cheap and thrive on incest.
    Best alert the siblings.


    Now we are two. Let’s destroy the world.


    With our spendthrift bisexual incestual ways.
    The world won’t know what hit them.


    Might be funny, but too low res to bother trying to read it…

    Tiggle Bitties

    excuse me while i call bullshit on this post. thing’s totally outta wack


    Actually, mine’s pretty much a perfect description of me.


    lack of work ethics… so fucking true


    what to do, busdriver or pimp, busdriver or pimp… decisions, decisions.


    Maybe Bang Bus is hiring?

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