Sort of. This is one of those ships that they built so that the ship-making infrastructure exists when they need to upgrade the naval fleet. It’s one of those expenditures that makes no sense unless you look at the big picture and think “when our navy is hopelessly out of date and needs to be replaced, do we want to build our ship making capabilities again from the ground up?”
The multi-purpose functionality makes these much less of a bitter pill to swallow. Hard to guess what the navy will be doing a decade from now (best guesses are disaster relief or anti-piracy), but whatever it is, each of these will only need a $2 million dollar module instead of a whole retrofit to be very good at doing it.
All the newer ships are being designed like that. Able to have a multi-purpose role. The navy since the 90’s has been moving toward brown water (closer to shore) from blue water ops (open ocean) This is actually better than the 2 billion dollar piece of shit I was on. Converting a Ballistic missle boat to carry a shit load of tomahawks, or unload an asston of seals just seemed like a way the navy can keep their invesment without turning into razor blades early thanks to STAR II.
The modules make it less of a craptastic mission specific ship and more versatile.
That’s a whole lot of Fuck-You-Up coming your way.
Can it fly?
So… What does it do?
Deploys troops for landing operations. The LCS-3 and 4 are being built now.
That’s not all, the ship is designed with open architecture, so that mission-specific modules can be swapped in and out depending on need.
Goodbye tax moneyz.
Sort of. This is one of those ships that they built so that the ship-making infrastructure exists when they need to upgrade the naval fleet. It’s one of those expenditures that makes no sense unless you look at the big picture and think “when our navy is hopelessly out of date and needs to be replaced, do we want to build our ship making capabilities again from the ground up?”
The multi-purpose functionality makes these much less of a bitter pill to swallow. Hard to guess what the navy will be doing a decade from now (best guesses are disaster relief or anti-piracy), but whatever it is, each of these will only need a $2 million dollar module instead of a whole retrofit to be very good at doing it.
All the newer ships are being designed like that. Able to have a multi-purpose role. The navy since the 90’s has been moving toward brown water (closer to shore) from blue water ops (open ocean) This is actually better than the 2 billion dollar piece of shit I was on. Converting a Ballistic missle boat to carry a shit load of tomahawks, or unload an asston of seals just seemed like a way the navy can keep their invesment without turning into razor blades early thanks to STAR II.
The modules make it less of a craptastic mission specific ship and more versatile.
Indeed. I much prefer this design philosophy. Much better use of the budget than fixed role vehicles…
Anchor on the bow makes it looks like it got a bar piercing.
Gonna have to look this one up. Does not seem big enough from that angle to be an amphib assault ship…
Luke,I am your ship.