So Modern Marvels ran an episode on Ben Franklin the other night, and in it was a blurb about one of his many creations, the Glass Harmonica. So I go and do some youtubing, and come across an old (~1968) Russian animation that involves a glass harmonica-like device, and has as its nemesis, a man in a suit with a hat very much one in the painting. But I forgot what the color of the tie was that this man wore, and didn’t know if they were related.
So I look it up again, and to my dismay, find out that I was mistaken. So I click on one of Youtube’s recommended links to watch another Russian video. And found the above.
I le chuckled.
I need more of this in my life.
This is incredibleness.
Nice shot!
You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. So that must be the said doctor.
Ceci n’est pas une blague.
This is a perfect 3-pane.
That is one lovingly rendered blood plume.
So Modern Marvels ran an episode on Ben Franklin the other night, and in it was a blurb about one of his many creations, the Glass Harmonica. So I go and do some youtubing, and come across an old (~1968) Russian animation that involves a glass harmonica-like device, and has as its nemesis, a man in a suit with a hat very much one in the painting. But I forgot what the color of the tie was that this man wore, and didn’t know if they were related.
So I look it up again, and to my dismay, find out that I was mistaken. So I click on one of Youtube’s recommended links to watch another Russian video. And found the above.
It’s a painting of some kind by one Rene Magritte, and the video that had it is here (skip to 4:39):
Totally random find, but I had a hunch that the individual getting hit with the apple looked oddly like the MiB from the other Russian animation:
PS, the painting is apparently called “Son of Man”: