you know why this is wrong? there’s an onramp about a 10th of a mile down the road, you can kinda see it there. don’t be a dick, get out of the merge lane, so the traffic that’s joining the road can join and not run over your stupid ass.
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truth. also, people who tailgate me on a four lane highway at 4 in the morning when no one is around, suck my dick.
I try to get over as much as I can, but you know, dicks on the highway WON’T FUCKING LET ME. There I am, creating miracles like magnets and answering my cell phone while driving, and minding my own business. I try to get over for joining commuters to get onto the highway safely, THEN THERE’S THIS ASSHOLE.
OK, just a couple of observations that apply to double lane highways, but apply equally to multiple lane through fares:
1. You do not have to be in the left lane in order for people merging to be able to merge. If they don’t know how to merge, I believe it to be their malfunction, not yours. It is certainly a considerate gesture, however the people in the passing lane will invariably be traveling much faster than those in the merge lane, so if you are traveling slower than they are, your act of generosity will comes at the price of inconveniencing those in the faster lane, and possibly creating an unsafe situation for both you, and those in the passing/faster lane. IE, they will be more likely to “run you over” than the merging folks. So I don’t think this is the best solution.
2. If you are going to be in the left lane, then you should be passing everyone in the right lane. If you are moving at the same speed as everyone to your left, you’re being incredibly inconsiderate to those behind you.
3. If you are in the right lane, and someone signals that they need to get over, why not let them over? To not do so would be incredibly inconsiderate.
4. If you are in the far left lane of a multi-lane highway, and someone signals they need to get over in to your lane, again, why not let them over? Again, if you don’t, well, guess what! You are being inconsiderate. By the same token, If you speed up in order to prevent them from getting in front of you, you have officially crossed over into jerk territory.
5. If you are in the far left lane on a four lane highway, and there is nobody in the lane to your right, and you see someone coming up behind you, but you decide not to move over to the right when they get behind you, then welcome to jerkville, population, YOU. If YOU then get PO’ed because they tailgated you, you may want to examine your rationale for being angry, because:
5a: You aren’t supposed to be in the left lane anyway.
5b: You are in the lane they are supposed to pass you in.
5C: You have consciously decided that your lane choice should take precedence of the rules of the road, common courtesy, and, in some places, the law. How did you not expect to irritate anyone else on the road?
It does not make all that much sense to me to move over to the left for merging traffic, but not move back over to the right for faster/passing traffic. But I have observed this behavior numerous times.
My question, of course, is this: Why is it so hard for people to allow others to pass them? Or to move over to the right lane when they are not passing anyone else? Or to let someone over into their lane? Why do people refuse to get out of the left lane when there is absolutely nobody to their right?
And god forbid, should anyone should decide to tailgate them, honk the horn or flash their lights, to indicate that they need to get by, or that the person in front is in the wrong lane, then these folks act as though something was said about their mama. I honestly do not understand this mentality. What am I missing here?
I’m a left lane driver, on a 2 lane highway. I don’t drive in the right lane because of the trucks. They’ve destroyed the asphalt in the right lane and they’re invariably going 10mph below the speed limit, which is 70mph where I do most of my driving. That said, if someones coming up on me fast, I’ll move to the right if I can, especially if no one is in front of me. However, if I’m in a long line of traffic, I stay put.
I get really annoyed if I’m in the left lane and the car in front of doesn’t move to the right, assuming they can and I will tailgate. I hate when this has gone on for so long that I’ve decided to pass them on the right. I move over, speed up and…so do they! WTF!?
Also, in a multi-lane highway, I don’t like the middle lanes. There’s too much merging from both the left and the right and no steady speed.
Good points. I hadn’t considered the road condition argument. Though I’m still unsure about the validity of the “no steady speed” argument.
By definition, flux in the middle lane generally means more variable speeds in the far lanes. IE, There will generally always be someone driving faster than you in the left lane, and someone driving slower than you in the right.
If you drive at an average speed relative to everyone else, then it seems like you will spend just as much time changing lanes to allow people to pass you, on the left, as you would passing those slower than you in the right/middle lane.
However if you drive faster than most, then the far left lane would be worth it. Otherwise there is no real benefit of staying to the left, except for the purposes of using the better road surface. In which case you should be changing lanes to allow faster traffic past, as you describe.
I think the ideal scenario would be that people simply move over for people moving faster than they are, and allow other to pass or get in where necessary.
But instead what we have is what you described, the most frequent and perhaps most perplexing behaviors that I missed, where you have a driver in the far left lane, apparently oblivious to any vehicle behind them, and refusing to move over, (aka the “Lane Hog”) in spite of there being nobody to their right, who decides to “gun it” as soon as you run out of patience and try to pass on the right.
Anyone here do this? And could you explain why you do this?
The trucks are driving slower because your state (most likely) requires them to drive slower then the speed of traffic.
Ohio does this, as does many others. It is very unsafe, as cars drive right under the back of trucks. Hard to believe; but again, it falls under people are dumb.
If you highways are tore up, that again falls to you. You elected your state officals, and they failed to get the highway paved. So you should still be in the right lane.
Here in Pennsylvania we have 4 Seasons. Deer, winter, still winter and Construction. If you do not have Construction until deer seasion, you are wrong.
Some trucks have governors on them (e.g. Food Lion). They’re always in the right lane. I drive through Pennsylvania on a regular basis (81 & 78, also 76 & 83 less often) and the right lanes are terrible there too. Some sections are fine, others are horrible. I drive the entire distance of 78 and Frystown to Allentown is really bad.
The second your vehicle goes above the speed limit, you negate any right to complain about slower drivers.
Bullshit. There are unwritten rules of the road. Everyone (including morons) knows this and knows what the rules are.
There’s also actual written rules of the road that everyone, including those same morons, have to know to be driving in the first place. I speed all the time, but if I come up to someone driving the speed limit, I don’t feel I have any right to get upset because they are technically the ones in the right. Now, if you’re driving the speed limit and you come across someone blocking your pass, then yeah, get a little peeved.
Sorry Think Tank, wrong again. No matter the speed limit the rule stands:
Lead, Follow or Get The Fuck Out Of The Way!
If someone is driving the speed limit AND you’re in traffic, no prob. No matter how fast you’re going, if you’re in the left lane (w/ little traffic) and someone wants to get by, move the fuck over (if you can).
I’m afraid I agree with Nyokki and Macio. One of the many things everyone should also have learned during driving school was that the left lane is not a driving lane, but a passing lane. If you choose to ignore this rule for your own benefit, fine, however you cannot then claim any kind of moral high ground over those who speed.
In fact, regardless of the speed limit, a person who drives slower than everyone else, in the passing lane, is actually more likely to cause an accident than a person who is speeding. Yes, excessive speed does aggravate a traffic incident, however, it is the people who drive against the flow of traffic that tend to create the most problems, not the ones who are moving the fastest.
Umm… wow that got long real fast…
That’s what she said.
Hardy har har… 🙂
No. Fuck those assholes in the right lane. They go slow, so I gain on them while cruise control is on, and then, as soon as I start to pass them, they fucking speed up. Of course, usually I’ll get some guy who was a mile behind go “OMFG THERES A GUY IN THE LANE SUDDENLY I NEEEEEEED TO GO FAST LIKE RIGHT NOW” and fly up on my ass out of nowhere. So what do you do? Speed up? No. The shitfuck in the right lane speeds up too. Slow down? Nope. That same cockmongler in the right lane will slow down, AND the guy behind gets more pissed off. There’s no way to win. Fuck you, ass fucking piece of shit in the right lane who doesn’t know to use cruise control.
People don’t know how to drive.