Shuttle & Buran

Shuttle Buran comp.jpg (186 KB)

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    It seems that the US stole the soviet design…
    or… wait… I be trollin’


    Pretty bad-ass looking design… too bad it never actually worked.


    Oh c’mon they only blow up like every 20 times.

    Oooh, you mean the Russian one….


    practice & theory


    It did actually work.
    It flew once… the orbital flight lasted 205 minutes… during that time, Buran made two full laps around the Earth
    it had no pilots whatsoever
    every stage of the flight was controlled by a computer
    unlike the US shuttle, which is traditionally being landed manually
    so… it was a pretty badass russian toy…

    but still
    no one gives a fuck about all that shit I just wrote (even me)

    so I’ll just add some boobs to my post
    (. )( .)


    I marked you + for the boobs, not the info. 🙂


    I marked you + for the fact that you marked him + for the boobs and not the info.


    I marked you +, for the fact that you marked NoOneInParticular +, for marking Alias +, for the boobs and not the info.


    Marked all of you +, just because I can


    Our thrusting rockets are bigger. Just sayin’.


    buran is longer than shuttle


    buran has a reservoir tip, also


    That’s because it was heavier. Given that the shuttle was already excessively heavy (because the military wanted the option of using it as a heavy lift vehicle for potential defense projects in space which never materialized), that means that this thing must have been ridiculously overbuilt.




    Russia never really could do much of anything original w/o copying us first.



    Inevitable post is inevitable.


    Those images are not to the same scale, the russian one is bigger. IIRC One of the russian ones is in austrialia sitting somewhere rotting.


    Buran was destroyed when the hangar it was in collapsed. Can you see it?

    There’s one left over thats not complete sitting at the cosmodrome

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