Chimps and baboons hook up sometimes, so humans aren’t the only species that will take it where they can get it. Pretty frigging pathetic though. Close to child abuse in my eyes, and can lead to dangerous behaviour in the dog (dominance issues and stuff).
Humans are scum.
Must of been someone from the deep south or West Virginia searching for this. (#16 was probably “Can I get a dog pregnant”)
The fuck…
And number 1 and 2 are looking for porn pics of a woman murdered by her steriod mad wrestler husband.
who said again that we are intelligent and advanced beings? this look very primate like…
what i don’t get is there are some pretty nice girls that do this shit! I mean like wtf? don’t they have any (human)dick in their city/town?
I’m pretty sure monkeys don’t get dogs to fuck them.
What the fuck is “Texes?”
Chimps and baboons hook up sometimes, so humans aren’t the only species that will take it where they can get it. Pretty frigging pathetic though. Close to child abuse in my eyes, and can lead to dangerous behaviour in the dog (dominance issues and stuff).
Humans are scum.
this answer says “sorta” but I’m concerned because at the end of the answer she discussed how she get knocked up by a dog.
Seriously. WTF?
according to this very reliable yahoo answers source, she’s got a tiny baby dog up inside of her.