Duck is an acceptable spelling, along with duct. The tape was originally used as a water proof (read: duck) tape in the military, I believe. It has also been widely used on ducts; ergo, duck or duct is correct. Duck tape usually refers to that specific brand, though.
Even after careful review, I still don’t see any ducks.
If you can see the ducks, the ducks can see you. If you can’t see the ducks, it may already be too- AFLACK!
forgot the DUCT TAPE over the baby’s mouth!
grammar nazis… I tell you.
Duck is an acceptable spelling, along with duct. The tape was originally used as a water proof (read: duck) tape in the military, I believe. It has also been widely used on ducts; ergo, duck or duct is correct. Duck tape usually refers to that specific brand, though.
Yep. ?