How far do our electromagnetic (EM) signals reach in to outer space? lets estimate that we started transmitting EM signals with the first radios about 100 years ago… which means we have been sending weak signals in every direction for 100 years, and the first signals have reached a maximal distance of 100 light years away from earth! there are about 130 stars within a radius of 20 light years from us and probably several thousand stars within 100 light years. (…)
so basically we send out american garbage and the higher life forms don’t give two fucks. i’d think by now they’d prefer that the united states of earth dies cold and alone.
No, no…
This pic was only made by one of the Uncle Sam’s nephew… Garbage is human!!! 🙂
“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”
“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto” is from Terence:
Didn’t they just Recently discover/state that our signals end up getting mixed into the rest of the huge piles of EM noise ? So in reality our signals are rendered indecipherable and indistinguishable from say any other piece of space junk?
Here’s the thing. Imagine the surface of a sphere 100 light years in radius (200 light years in diameter). The inverse square law means that the strength of the signal would be almost infinitely attenuated, and certainly indistinguishable from the cosmic background radiation at all frequencies.
In fact the earth would act as a shadow-caster so the signal bow-wave would in fact be hemispherical, but still….