Bruce Willis
Arnold Swarchenegger
Sylvester Stallone
Almighty Trio
Added on April 8th, 2010 by Dreth | Report Post
Tags:Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone
Tags:Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone
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stallone is standing on a stool
he is a short man lulz
bruce willis ftw
although, listening to Arny qoutes is still the best waste of time
Possibly a promo for The Expendables. Why weren’t Jet Li & Jason Statham standing with them?
That was the opening of Planet Hollywood many years ago.
And they will all be coming back together (sort of) in The Expendables:
Bruce Willis wins, The Governator should quit politics (past his hay day) and Stallone is annoying.
Fuck! I looked at this pick and a mother fucking fist punched through my monitor. That’s how bad ass it is.
New saying for when something ist very long ago: “Back in the days when Bruce WIllis used to have hair”
D’OH! *is