motherfuckin gary oak
Grandpa? You forgot my name!?
That’s right! I remember now! His name is DOUCHE!
lol it was always fun to name your rival i named im aids so every time i faced him and beat him in a battle it said AIDs was defeated!
I just started the new ‘soul silver’ and named my rival ‘Fuqtard’
Hehe, I knew changing my avatar to Prof. Oak would pay off eventually!
Is not that picture from the exact issue of the strip we are referencing? INDEED! IT IS!
Yup, best part is that I only remembered what my avatar after I posted the first comment.
This is all win.
I didn’t know this part of VG Cats existed ._. I’ve seen these comics in bits and pieces everywhere. I seriously love you right now
motherfuckin gary oak
Grandpa? You forgot my name!?
That’s right! I remember now! His name is DOUCHE!
lol it was always fun to name your rival
i named im aids
so every time i faced him and beat him in a battle it said AIDs was defeated!
I just started the new ‘soul silver’ and named my rival ‘Fuqtard’
Hehe, I knew changing my avatar to Prof. Oak would pay off eventually!
Is not that picture from the exact issue of the strip we are referencing? INDEED! IT IS!
Yup, best part is that I only remembered what my avatar after I posted the first comment.
This is all win.
I didn’t know this part of VG Cats existed ._. I’ve seen these comics in bits and pieces everywhere.
I seriously love you right now