Cam-Whore Introduction

vesparia.jpg (52 KB)

Thought I would introduce myself with a cam-whore tradition. I’m a British chick who lives in Germany and works for an Austrian company.

This was taken at the Christopher Street Day parade in Cologne last year.

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    Welcome, my dear. Nothing like the addition of a stunningly beautiful face to our little group!

    I’m sure I speak for the rest of MCS when I say we all hope you are real as there are so very few(attractive)women on the internets.


    Luckily a good portion of them grace this website.

    Welcome, vesparia. Be prepared for a raccoon, a dog, and a ninja-surfer (among others) to make internet advances at you.

    Jesus Christ

    Me too.

    Vesparia – I ditched Mary Magdalene for you.


    I thought you were a woman.


    me too
    oh jesus!



    Jesus Christ

    I am. C:


    Your eyes are one crazy-sexy shade of blue. Would you be interested in allowing me to sodomize you? I will be the utmost gentleman.


    Holy Hell Tiki! How do you get all these awesome and extremely gorgeous woman to come to this slice of the interweb?


    Speak British to me.




    Not you.



    You want me to talk British to her? She will probably just scoff at my irritating mockery.


    You SAY your british, but what we can see of your teeth say otherwise.
    Are you a lucky one or am I profiling?






    so you are a sexy brit,
    that lives in germany,
    that works for an austrian comapny
    sounds like you don’t to be found,
    ……… dirty pornstar.
    call me 😀

    casemods UID# 667

    Inb4 poolawlhe hits on her, gets turned down, then starts making fun of her.


    Oh fail, he already beat you to it!


    He has only done the first part. If this girl actually exists, we will see if she turns him down.


    I hope the Stars lose.




    But all I did was make an observation….

    Harsh, man, harsh.



    casemods UID# 667

    *fingers crossed*

    Jesus Christ

    Don’t be That Guy.


    Do not post on his submissions. It encourages his foolishness.

    Tiggle Bitties

    hey the brits are statistically supposed to have the best teeth in the EU…

    *jumping up and down* i’m british too! i’m british too! yaay!


    That’s not saying much.


    i thought you was canadian…

    why are the effin canadians wanting to change their own nationality

    Tiggle Bitties

    no wai. i’m not canadian. HELL NO FUCK CANADIA


    I thought you were Asian or some shit.

    Tiggle Bitties

    yeah so how many countries has britain created/colonized over the course of its existence?


    North America Canada, the U.S
    The Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago
    Sub-Saharan Africa Botswana, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa

    SW Asia and N. Africa Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait,Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, UAE, Yemen
    South Asia Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
    SE Asia Brunei, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore
    Australia and Oceania Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Tuvalu

    Luke Magnifico

    Oh wow guise

    You have surpassed yourselves.


    i’m curious about your armpits?


    Are you not sure if you are curious?


    but honestly, who cares where you live and work…the question is, “do you swallow?”


    Thank god for American women having good teeth.

    Big Iff

    The Kinks have a new song!


    A hot british chick eh? I love doctor who too!


    Just keep posting pictures of yourself, that’ll keep these peoples happy.


    They were of interest to me, the pictures on your DA account are brilliant!


    Just an FYI, Tiki responds best to tits. However, the thing is, you have to send them to me … for, uh … screening purposes. Yep. That makes sense, right?


    Or me. Arse is great too.

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