carl sagon on pot

carl sagon on pot

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    Jesus Christ

    Non-smoker all for the legalization of weed RIGHT HERE.


    Jesus Christ said it,
    now legalize the shit.
    P.S. I don’t smoke, JC told me to.




    Right on, Carl Sagan knows his shit


    Sure, go ahead….

    But let’s be clear on this one fact, it will end badly.
    I love the fact that it will decrease crime incredibly.
    I hate the fact that it numbs the brain, becomes addictive and people still can’t understand this…they have to live through it with a relative, friend or a neighbour to see what it does…

    When you hear people compairing Ganga to Alcohol…there’s a disconnect in reason that can’t be breached.

    But like I said, your body, your power of freedom to excercise your rights.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Yeah Ganga is way better than alcohol. Less addictive, less chance of cancer, less correlation with violence. When people like Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman were heavy users, its hard to make a case for “numbs the brain”.


    sure, if you smoke shit weed in a janormous amount it numbs you, but good stuff + self control = PROFIT


    btw, i quit smoking 2 years ago, and did not smoked “anything else” in years


    “When you hear people compairing Ganga to Alcohol…there’s a disconnect in reason that can’t be breached.”

    Sure, follow the crowd..does it really matter that you’re a sheeple for Sagan over another ? As soon as you use another person’s name to legitimate your actions you’ve committed a error in reason.


    Nonsense. An appeal to authority on some thing that the authority is something of an authority on is authorized.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    The 2nd best thing about legalizing marijuana would be all the great psychology/neurobiology research that you could do. If you could do large scale human behavioural studies of people using marijuana, we could learn all kinds of things about the fundamental nature of the human mind.


    We already do that, we study people who are already using drugs. Actually, for studing the nature of the mind, LSD research has yeiled fascinating data.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    My gf is a neurobiology PhD student and a medical marijuana user, so we’ve talked a lot about this. They can do statistical studies of users, but they can’t do experimental studies of people under the effects of marijuana. In other words, you can’t do something like have a subject take a bong hit and do an fMRI scan.


    itd be awesome to hotbox an MRI machine. if you need any volunteers, look at this guy.


    that means me.

    tiki god

    really? cause here’s a study in which they did just that:

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    One thing to note about that study (and all of the others from that group) is that they only have 9 test subjects. That’s because they have to use subjects that already have legal status to smoke week (psychiatric patients in this case)


    Is that because it’s a Class 1 drug?


    i was gonna vote to legalize pot, but then i got high




    I get to vote for the legalization of pot. 🙂

    I smoke two joints, I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more.


    now you know why he wanted to make an apple pie


    ?Because he got high,
    Because he got high,
    Because he got high.?


    DOMMOT those are supposed to be music symbols not question marks


    Weed opens your mind and makes you question, the government does not want you to question therefore it will never be legalized. Either way im still smoking.


    It won’t be legalized because it would ruin the paper industry, the plastic industry, the fuel industry, the textile industry, etc. Why do you think it got outlawed in the first place?


    … what?


    Out of the humble hemp you can make biofuel, paper, cloth, plastics, etc. When the industrial means to grow, harvest and process hemp en masse became available and began to threaten the various industries (proeminent among them the paper industry), these began a campaign to instill the idea that hemp was bad, as well as heavily lobby the US congress to outlaw it.
    But hemp was such a major part of the daily lives of the american people that they had to both invent this story about it being a powerful, mind-bending drug and used the mexican slang name for it, Marijuana, taking advantage of american xenophobia.
    To this day, many have no idea that the humble hemp is, in fact, the devious marijuana.


    Ohhh. Because I was thinking in my head, “Is that purpose not legal already?” Now I see what you mean.


    Dragun, let’s not also forget that Black & Mexican men smoking dope & raping white women is the reason why the DEA was created. The war on drugs is built on money & lies.


    I support legalization, and if it does, I will smoke some bowls.

    But I do not currently partake. I am too lazy to grow my own plants or find someone who does, and I do not want to support the horrors in Mexico and farther south. I should just grow my own damn plant. I should.


    The horrors in mexico are over heroin. No one’s fighting a fucking war over hemp buds.


    Gateway or whatever. Shut up I do not have to make sense. Fuck it.


    Like your dad’s cock was a gateway into you being a total fag?


    It’s not over hemp buds, it’s over the trillions you can make by selling them on the black market.


    Still not as much as heroin.


    Truly The world had much to learn from this man.


    lolwut? weed’s not a drug


    weed is a drug
    you epic fail


    carl sagan suffered from a rare blood disorder that causes cancer, so of course he’d be dosed up on meds often and in his drug-induced haze, he would make a completely pathetic statement that supports a different form of drug which aids pain relief without the side effect that legit ones like morphine has

    the fact that once again stoners and liberals pounce upon whatever fragments of what they perceive as justification for pro-drug use, despite how biased those semi-facts may be, shows how truly desperate they are to support a lie

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