Thoughts on White Womens and Where Dey Is At?

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    Ya know, if you’re trying to actually get any credibility in opposing the president, it’d help if you weren’t blatantly fucking racist.

    Luke Magnifico

    Ya know, if you’re….

    Nah, it’s too easy.


    on the contrary, presenting something like this actually reminds people about the dark truth
    Not every black man is raised by a white parent, not every black man gets an actual education, not every black man obeys the law

    too many people have focused on the obvious, that obama has gotten where no other black man in the usa ever has, and ignore the blatant truth that whereas obama is but a single man, there are thousands of black men out in the usa who live the stereotype of black men chasing white women


    Yes, and for every intelligent, educated white man, there are a thousand ignant redneck motherfuckers out there fucking their cousins and living in run-down trailer parks.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Leave your family out of this.


    So it’s alright to make racist jokes about the president because black people fit your racist stereotype?

    Odd logic there. “It’s alright to be racist towards the president because my racist stereotypes are true”

    Doesn’t get around the fact that the argument is still racist. Conditional proof doesn’t work like that in rhetoric.

    fracked again

    Don’t try logic on a wannabe nazi. One minute they are saying that the holocaust never happened and the next, they are are talking about how great it was and how it didn’t go far enough.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You’re a fag.

    You can’t reason with a fag.

    The AIDS is in your brain now.

    Have fun dieing slowly. How the buttsex was worth it.

    fracked again

    blah blah blah fag aids butsex.

    Keep trying Marge. Maybe one day you will live up to your self image.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I don’t even know why you try.

    Your come backs are the same as a fat emo kids.

    You’re a sad little fucker and I like taking seconds of my time to ruin hours of yours.

    Go ahead and craft a response now. Maybe try putting a little more effort in and you won’t look like such a fucking loser this time?

    fracked again

    Marge, you are boring. You are casemods without the camwhore pics. For fucks sake, you actually sank to ranting about grammar last week. You used to be mildly entertaining. What happened?


    So what if we white folk get racist against black folk? Motherfuckers spend their lives being racist and no one gives a shit. Remember the movie “White Men Can’t Jump”? Until they release “Black Men Can’t Hold a Job”, I ain’t stopping my racism.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Black and White Man Can’t Reform Healthcare

    fracked again

    I think the obvious question is, “Whats wrong with chasing white women?”


    -Foreword by Cleavon Little


    You win +1 Internet for the reference…


    Easily my fave comedy movie ever.


    I loled.


    But Funny.
    Now return to your redstate rathole.

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