I also think the plastic that is worn after a tattoo is hilarious. Almost like you went to the store and picked out a new arm and have not taken the protective plastic off of it.
This is proper camwhoring by the way. I feel like I just took a vacation. Lightsabers, tattoos, azn girls, wine, good food, communist rallies, and some inappropriate swimwear. Win.
yes, one of only 2 unreformed Marxist-Leninist parties in Europe. Battleing for 3rd place on national elections, steadily at 2nd place (!!) in municpal elections.
The fucking PCP.
Champion of the proletariat. Unrefomed and unchanged. A mere suggestion of reform by any of its members will have them kicked out of the party before they can say “gulag”.
Forged in the underground hell of fascist Portugal, todays it carries the standart of the unwaivering might of those who dare to work AND think.
Communism, fuck yes.
why, i do like azn girls
I like Asian girls, too.
I also think the plastic that is worn after a tattoo is hilarious. Almost like you went to the store and picked out a new arm and have not taken the protective plastic off of it.
I lol’d.
wat RSI said
This is proper camwhoring by the way. I feel like I just took a vacation. Lightsabers, tattoos, azn girls, wine, good food, communist rallies, and some inappropriate swimwear. Win.
yes, one of only 2 unreformed Marxist-Leninist parties in Europe. Battleing for 3rd place on national elections, steadily at 2nd place (!!) in municpal elections.
The fucking PCP.
Champion of the proletariat. Unrefomed and unchanged. A mere suggestion of reform by any of its members will have them kicked out of the party before they can say “gulag”.
Forged in the underground hell of fascist Portugal, todays it carries the standart of the unwaivering might of those who dare to work AND think.
Its not going away, is it?
omg, I think …must be….
Winner !
I concur. WINNER! Hot Asian Persuasion too. More lefties too piss everyone off too. Niiiiice!
Just goes to prove the righties are pissed off c’ause all the lefties get all da girlz
All “the lefties” are fagoos and fuck each other in the face.
Especially you. You’re a rancid little dickfor.
If I ever meet you, I will kill you. I will turn that douchy tattoo into a lambskin, and fuck your commie mother with it.