Cam Whoring It Up

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I’m legal enough 😀
Major lurker
Rare poster
Lover of all
Etc Etc Etc

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    Well, hello kitty. You’re just too fricken cute.


    Killer boobage


    Legal enough? Do elaborate missus.


    hey, someone my age, but 100X better looking than me, figures


    “i’m legal enough”

    that just srsly gave me a boner. i think i’m officially a perv


    In my state, 16 is age of consent…


    Huzzah, everyone needs at least one moment in life where all the consequences possibly surrounding an event come down on you, and you still leave smiling saying “Worth it” I think you’d qualify for that.


    well stop by here first. i gotta feeling that’s gonna be some used up stuff before too long. also, i’d like to ruin your O-ring so your innie becomes an outie.


    Psh, 9 is legal in some parts of Mexico.

    Also, this is the only true camwhore here, who most likely spent a lifetime on MySpace.


    You look a little like that dead terrorist/dowloaded robot chick on Caprica.

    That was actually meant as a compliment.


    I do believe he means Zoey, and I do believe that is quite a compliment.


    I could have sworn I posted here saying something like “yum” or “time to make babies” or something like that. Oh well.


    hey xMissCaptainCrunchx, you do there is a NSFW option right? post moar!


    thats all i got

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