muscular woman working out

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    She is smokin hot!


    Why stay in?


    You stay in to finish. Pulling out is over rated.


    She looks tight as hell.


    I’ll bet she can give a killer handjob.


    i bet she can kill you with a handjob


    I’d hitch my wagon to those stars.


    Hot minus the silly star tattoos.


    I agree, those things are retarded.


    I bet you would feel differently if you were licking your way down her torso.


    Useless wristwraps is all I can say.


    unless she had a badly broken wrist in the past. But likely useless


    Wish the women at my gym looked like that.




    Is it bad that I didn’t even notice the writing on her clothing until the THIRD time I looked at the picture?


    Is there writing on her clothes?


    I bet her clit is HUGE. om nom nom.


    I bet her unbroken hymen is like Kevlar.


    Y’all realize that those tatoos mean she either currently is or used to do porn? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


    Those tattoos do not mean a damn thing other than she thought stars were a good idea. I disagree with her opinion, but it does not mean she did porn.


    Pics or it didn’t happen.


    I’d let her man-handle me.


    For being built and muscular, she has remarkably large breasts and a not solid as iron looking stomach. Very nice.


    I bet she’d like me fuck her in the ass. Fuck ya. Hottie!


    Am I the only one to find muscular women NOT sexy?
    Geez, look at her arms, she stole them to He-Man.


    Some men are attracted; some aren’t. I try to never argue over what is sexy and attractive. All the women friendships I’ve maintained over the years have nearly opposite ideas what is good looking. I guess we didn’t have to fight over who gets to home w/ whom.

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