For those who are lacking in this area of physics a “blue shift” occurs when an object is moving at relativistic speeds (a measurable fraction of the speed of light) toward the viewer. There is also a red shift if the object is moving away at a relativistic speed.
Today’s lesson is brought to you by the letter “Omicron”
i bet a good 60% of us mcs users can get this joke… lets bash those filthy 40%!!
I’m filthy. 🙁
lol doppler fx
Oh science, you never let me down.
They might need to wind their watch forward too when they slow down.
Is there such a thing as blue shift?
For those who are lacking in this area of physics a “blue shift” occurs when an object is moving at relativistic speeds (a measurable fraction of the speed of light) toward the viewer. There is also a red shift if the object is moving away at a relativistic speed.
Today’s lesson is brought to you by the letter “Omicron”
Ah, thank you, makes sense.
Is that why the panorama of stars turns blue on “Space Balls” when they hit “Ridiculous Speed”?
I love how they explained this on the Big Bang Theory.
best joke I’ve read in weeks, love it.