An Epic Of Epic Epicness.
Scott Pilgrim Verses The World
Added on March 23rd, 2010 by Puulaahi | Report Post
Tags:Movie Posters, Movies, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Tags:Movie Posters, Movies, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
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haha how did I know such faggotry would be uploaded by you
Also, can’t wait for the jonas brothers and hannah montana submissions by you.
AND BE A JUKE BOX HERO (Got staaars in his eeeeeyes) HE’S A JUKE BOX HERO
won’t be as good as the books, but hopefully not too bad.
The comic is fuckwin. I’m not 100% on the movie, but since when has Edgar Wright done a bad movie? That’s right, never.
Is that Michael Cera? Nose looks like it
Yeah. Filmed in Toronto last summer. Saw them around town a few times. The fanboys and girls were all like “Squeee! It’s Michael Cera!” and I’m like, “Dudes, it frickin’ Edgar Wright!”
Edgar Wright kicks ass!! Kind of over Michael Cera but he was really good in this.