Young Carla Bruni on the right, Carla the botox catwoman on the left. I saw this in the newspaper this morning and thought I had to share so Alice, who is a HUGE fan of the Obamas, can see it too.
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Carla Bruni hatred?
Until she has her ass transplanted onto her forehead she’s always going to be a breathe of fresh air in comparison to that klingon the half white US president calls a wife.
I don’t hate Carla, I actually like her very much. Well unlike Carla’s husband, Obama doesn’t cheat on his wife so maybe she doesn’t need to be beautiful to anyone else.
All politicians cheat on their wives.
Especially former lawyer ones.
That’s like being liar pedigree.
I bet he tag teamed bitches with Tiger.
America, FUCK YEAH!
oh, wait….
she just grodie all around.
Just a reminder that even supermodels only look that good under makeup and airbrushing, and only for a few years.
Wait, the hotness that is the first lady of France is that thing on the left now?