Wanted this to appear in time for Easter week.
First photoshop project, so please be understanding.
Based on:
Blank room:
Internet Meme Last Supper
Added on March 17th, 2010 by Vast Right Wing Conspiracy | Report Post
Tags:Humor, Internets, Wallpaper
Tags:Humor, Internets, Wallpaper
where’s pedobear? who’s the girl in the middle? so many questions.
pedobear is under the table eating, dude.
also, this is pleasing. shoulda submitted for theme day.
Yeah I was about to ask where pedALLGLORYTOTHEHYPNOTOAD
I would make the table cloth longer to help with the problem that nobody seems to have legs in the picture.
At top: Ceiling cat, Flying Spaghetti Monster
Posters, left vs. right: Tacgnol vs. Longcat, Batman vs. Chuck Norris, Darth Vader vs. Gandalf, Agent Smith vs. Anonymous, Sephiroth vs. Master Chief
Behind table: Kanye West leaping from a portal, Phoenix Wrong, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, Yagami Light, Bowser, Haruhi Suzumiya (center, with Halo 3 wallpaper “Halo”), O RLY, Desu (Suiseiseki), LOL Wut, Leonidas, Captain Picard (double face palm), Xzibit
On table: Bacon, Hypnotoad, Portal cake, Spaghetti, Holy Hand-Grenade of Antioch, Mudkip, Oolong (rabbit with a pancake)
In front: Weighted Companion Cube, Luigi, Domo-kun, “the cake is a lie”
NOT invited: Pedobear vs. Chris Hansen (sex), Trap-kun vs. Admiral Ackbar, Loli vs. Cthulhu, Biden vs. Palin (politics), Mac vs. PC (religion), Pirate vs. Ninja, Shoop Da Whoop (IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER) (racism), Zombies (gore), Goatse (gross-out), Bridget, Cockmongler, Crasher squirrel, Balloon boy, etc.