what kind of shenanigans is this?
i know ping pong. i know tennis. i also enjoy teh tetherball.
someone enlighten me
srsly? ‘swingball’?
Moar: http://superpunch.blogspot.com/2009/03/aliens-vs-predator-print-ads-are-better.html
nothing but win
Was called Zim Zam. had one when I was a kid…. many a black eye was dished out by that toy. Loved it, my dog Loki finally killed it(he ate the ball.)
what kind of shenanigans is this?
i know ping pong. i know tennis. i also enjoy teh tetherball.
someone enlighten me
srsly? ‘swingball’?
Moar: http://superpunch.blogspot.com/2009/03/aliens-vs-predator-print-ads-are-better.html
nothing but win
Was called Zim Zam. had one when I was a kid…. many a black eye was dished out by that toy. Loved it, my dog Loki finally killed it(he ate the ball.)