Sweet, my college will be hosting Venerable Geshe Thupten Phelgye, a Tibetan scholar who is emissary to His Holiness the Dalai Lama TODAY. Rumors abound that the Lama himself may be in town … I might get to see the Dalai Lama today bitches!
The guy was hilarious, he started his talk with something along the lines of “What am I supposed to talk about?” And wouldn’t stop laughing. His Holiness wasn’t present, but it was a great speech regardless.
He didn’t address the whole Tibetan Independence thing, but he had been giving seminars throughout the day that I missed because of class. Didn’t get any pics, I think a couple of my friends did though, so as soon as they are posted on Facebook, or whatever, I will let you know.
It was a pleasant surprise having him here, not much goes on in this podunk town.
FREE TIBET, Don’t give China your moneys…SHIT
I find images of the Dalai Lama very calming.
Sweet, my college will be hosting Venerable Geshe Thupten Phelgye, a Tibetan scholar who is emissary to His Holiness the Dalai Lama TODAY. Rumors abound that the Lama himself may be in town … I might get to see the Dalai Lama today bitches!
pls take pictures and post them to the internets
Will try, seeing him at 4 during a “Peace Pole” dedication. Here is the Universities press release: www.ewu.edu/x68192.xml
The guy was hilarious, he started his talk with something along the lines of “What am I supposed to talk about?” And wouldn’t stop laughing. His Holiness wasn’t present, but it was a great speech regardless.
He didn’t address the whole Tibetan Independence thing, but he had been giving seminars throughout the day that I missed because of class. Didn’t get any pics, I think a couple of my friends did though, so as soon as they are posted on Facebook, or whatever, I will let you know.
It was a pleasant surprise having him here, not much goes on in this podunk town.
Shepard Fairey ftw.