the original 150 are the best.
There are only 151. There are no more. This post is some kind of deception.
suckacockamon and whatever other abominations don’t exist to me.
I just want to be clear, I’m agreeing with LukeV1-5, not casemods.
That is all.
>implying you can agree with a King without being beheaded.
What about Shoe?
That’s chinpokomon
There are only 151. There are no more. This post is some kind of deception.
suckacockamon and whatever other abominations don’t exist to me.
I just want to be clear, I’m agreeing with LukeV1-5, not casemods.
That is all.
>implying you can agree with a King without being beheaded.
What about Shoe?
That’s chinpokomon