I actually do work as a special effects makeup artist, so happily, this is kinda my day job. I don’t get to make monsters very often though, so I had a blast sculpting this. Right now I am making puppets for a tv show.
Staplegun, it was sculpted out of chavant, moulded out of Ultracal, run in foam latex. Teeth and claws are a 2-part plastic from Smooth-On. My friend airbrushed it for me, and an optician dyed the acrylic lenses for me (heated and formed over a plaster 1/2 sphere using a heat gun). It has a fibreglass underskull so I could open and close my mouth.
On Halloween everyone just assumed it was store bought, so no bricks were shat. And I was pretty bummed it was too hot to wear. It was an early night. But the fun was in the making anyway.
Natedog: Happy, but not rich. You have no idea how much competition there is in this industry. As far as sculpting goes, I am a bottom feeder.
You made that?! Nice.
if you have a shitty job, quit today. devote your life to this and you will die happy and rich
No doubt bricks were shat.
personally, i would never make an assumption as to what sex a creature like that might be. nor would i care. i’d just kill it with fire.
Sadly, most of the world sees monster and thinks man. You have to be dressed like a slut on Halloween to be recognized as female.
Materials and methods?
I actually do work as a special effects makeup artist, so happily, this is kinda my day job. I don’t get to make monsters very often though, so I had a blast sculpting this. Right now I am making puppets for a tv show.
Staplegun, it was sculpted out of chavant, moulded out of Ultracal, run in foam latex. Teeth and claws are a 2-part plastic from Smooth-On. My friend airbrushed it for me, and an optician dyed the acrylic lenses for me (heated and formed over a plaster 1/2 sphere using a heat gun). It has a fibreglass underskull so I could open and close my mouth.
On Halloween everyone just assumed it was store bought, so no bricks were shat. And I was pretty bummed it was too hot to wear. It was an early night. But the fun was in the making anyway.
Natedog: Happy, but not rich. You have no idea how much competition there is in this industry. As far as sculpting goes, I am a bottom feeder.
cool mask… i want to make an elephant mask at some point.
Nice mask. Do you look like a dude?