Some say his scrotum has its own small gravity field, all we know.. he’s called The Stig.
The Stig
Added on February 23rd, 2010 by BeetsAndBears | Report Post
Tags:Cars, Television, The Stig, Top Gear
Tags:Cars, Television, The Stig, Top Gear
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All matter has its own small gravity field.
Spacetime FTW
Some say that his genitals are on up side down and that he could solve the Da Vinci code in 43 seconds. All we know is, he’s called The Stig.
I had no idea:
ahahaha – I need to watch this show.
You should. The mcs crew got me addicted to it.
oh snap!!! is that Lightning McQueen!?!
Complete (isj) list of Stigisms here…
You should watch Top Gear if you like cars, and messing about. Oh yes. 🙂
I’m not even that into cars, and it’s awesome to watch.
Top Gear is hilarious. they do things that just plain should never be attempted. ever. and i WISH i had the Stig’s job.
I’m with kishi. I love this show, and I’m not that into cars.