water ninja

water ninja

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    i can smell the stink from here


    They are human beings just like the rest of us. Get a grip.


    I think nate may have referred to the stink coming from the bricks that he had shat.

    This had me in stitches anyway!

    It isn’t racist to laugh about someone else’s cultural antics. What is racist is to generalise it, pidgeon-hole all muslims and make derogatory remarks about them.


    um, no. it was a racist, stereotypical remark meant to generalize all Muslim peoples as stinky motherfuckers.

    also, I am not racist because I hate people. I am racist as an exercise of free speech. people are too two faced when it comes to racism. my goal is to desensiize peoople to racism to a point where it has no power over people. if people no longer get butthurt over sassy little words, then racism ceases to cause butthurt

    Luke Magnifico

    For instance, I hate Inuits.

    I don’t think there are any derogatory names for Inuits, though. No one cares enough to make any up.



    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    That covers all natives including the cold ones.


    natedog: when i saw that, my mind was blown. ive been saying something to that effect (desensitizing people) for a long time, but no one seemed to understand what i meant. im glad im not alone in my thought process here! that does scare me a little bit though 😛

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Me too. But only because there are so many that live here now and still dress like they’re living in the fucking dark ages.


    Dumbass Muslims …….They are not right in the head


    Here’s the thing, right: “do you tell someone who is inherently stupid but who has never known himself to be stupid, that he is in fact stupid; to his face; despite the fact that he/she has no direct influence on your life and neither do you on his/hers; and has never been rude to you?”


    I’d actually like to modify that comment, because I really don’t want to give the impression that I think Muslims are stupid. The phrase should read:

    “do you tell someone who -you think- is inherently stupid but who does not think or know himself to be stupid (whether he/she is or is not is not relevant), that you think he/she is in fact stupid;…”


    Neither are Atheists or christians. Jews, Agnostics, Deists and Pantheists seem to be the only rational people when it comes to matters and opinions of faith.


    Why do women have to cover themselves up but men don’t?

    God damn chauvinist cultures that are more obvious than our own!


    I think it goes along the same lines as:

    “Why do you call women who sleep with different men ‘sluts’ but the men who are also part of the exchange get away with it?”

    fracked again

    If you don’t, you are requesting rape. This “protection” against men who don’t understand that rape is not a right is how Islam “honors” women. The problem is if you try to explain to a Muslim woman that her culture is anti woman, they will say that they are being protected and honored.


    That’s complete nonsense. Where does their religion say anything about what you said. It doesn’t, you actually just prove general misconceptions.

    The hair of a woman has been considered special for a long time now, if you go to any small European villages such as in Spain, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine or Russia you will find many women who cover up even if they’re not Muslim.

    I have a Muslim aunt, she does not cover up and she’s a well respected doctor who lives in Israel. Crazy how reality can be so different from what you’ve been told isn’t it.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    A good illustration of how massively stupid you are.

    Requesting rape?

    How can you request non consensual sexual contact you fucking retard?

    What you really mean is their culture is so backwards and barbaric that it results in these feeble minded assholes not being able to control themselves when they see some leg and they go nuts.

    The problem is that people give religions too much respect.

    You don’t have to try and explain anything to a Muslim man about women. You tell him. And if he doesn’t like it he can go the fuck back where he came from and dodge the bombs.


    Dreth – in most muslim cultures men do have to cover up also. Usually covering the arms and legs.


    That was pretty heavy adrian lets talk shop:

    how do I know that blue to mme is the same as blue to you?


    did you know how dog backwards is god? that’s pretty fucked


    goddam Adrian. it’s just the internets. get a grip. this is what we do. learn to lulz FFS.


    This is what you get, right! You come in and pay for a good 5 minute argument and all you get is abuse. I wanna complain!


    Why do women have to cover themselves up but men don’t?

    Why do women in some non Muslim countries who are topless in public have to go to jail and men don’t?

    Muslim women are supposed to cover up as to not give men any reason to objectify them but instead judge them only by their minds, which is a decent reason by itself except that many women feel obligated to do it even if they don’t want to so it makes it obviously wrong.

    I’m sure there are many women in other countries who would like to walk around the mall topless but can’t do so either.


    Blame God on that one, he told peepz that being nekkid is BAD.

    I can only imagine a world where everyone is naked not being that bad. The taboos would certainly be less.


    W/out a doubt, there are times that I would prefer an option to be covered up when I go out.


    omg, that stupid bitch is wearing black gloves too!
    muslims, you guys crack me up!


    You are all wrong. It doesn’t have shit to do with honoring them or respecting them. Quite the opposite. They believe it is easier to remove a temptation than to resist it. Also seeing a woman and wanting her is committing adultery in the mind, adultery of course, being punishable by death.

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