Now I think I speak for… well… the civilised world… when I say that the only situation that would warrant the expression “problem solved” in terms of global politics is if the USA itself was wiped out of existence in a similar manner.
America WAS amazing LEBB, but that was back when John Wayne was america. Nowadays I find a better way to describe America is Tom Cruise…I hate Tom Cruise
Quite a few things bother me about this image: I assume that a crater is being created, hence the ocean. So then why is there a mound sticking up out of the center, which appears to correspond to the Persian Gulf? And where did the land in the Caspian, Mediterranean, and Arabian Seas come from?
nuclear weapons are a door that nobody, nobody wants opened. i understand the sentiment of just wanting problems to “go away”, but it’s sort of like wanting to have a wank and deciding “OH BOY RAPE SURE SOUNDS GOOD RIGHT NOW”.
I am intrigued by the idea that all problems will go away just because the current point of conflict is removed. So, human nature to fight over scarce resources will go away? People trying to cast other groups as more and more ‘different’ and ‘alien’ in an attempt to vilify them and excuse their conquest/displacement/genocide/being-kept-under-the-thumb-of-a-dictatorship-for-our-economic-benefit will go away? Modernization and fundamentalism will stop battling for our hearts and minds? Globalization will stop driving down the income of the average person to the lowest common denominator while at the same time making our infrastructure vulnerable to well organized extremists from anywhere in the world?
Of course I know whoever made this was eliciting the exact response that he got above, but sometimes you just want to make a point to whatever level headed people actually bother to read this dreck (if for nothing else than to feel superior to everyone else on the thread who made asses of themselves).
needs moar diameter
I chuckled, heartlessly.
The problem will always exist in one region or another.
The fallout from a bomb that large would wipe out the human race, and probably all other life on earth. So, yeah I guess, problem solved…
Way to take it literally.
The message stands and its right: we’d all be better off if that whole region just fucked off and disappeared.
Then you’d be whining about higher gas prices.
not if we ran cars and shit on hemp, hippie
maybe i am geographyfail but looks like they missed jerusalem.
who wants to start a religion that claims their savior came from france or maybe wales, and then demand it back?
They didn’t miss… Lex Luthor bought it and is now selling it at record profits as waterfront property.
*clears throat*
Now I think I speak for… well… the civilised world… when I say that the only situation that would warrant the expression “problem solved” in terms of global politics is if the USA itself was wiped out of existence in a similar manner.
Nobody has to prove you’re wrong.
Why do stupid people make demands?
You are entitled to nothing other than a swift kick in the balls.
You speak for retards everywhere and thats it. The civilized world is only in existence right in because of America you dumb fuck.
Thanks for clearing the cock juice out of your throat before you typed that crap though. That was really polite.
America WAS amazing LEBB, but that was back when John Wayne was america. Nowadays I find a better way to describe America is Tom Cruise…I hate Tom Cruise
Should have aimed it a bit more to the right
Nobody has to prove you’re wrong.
Why do stupid people make demands?
You are entitled to nothing other than a swift kick in the balls.
You speak for retards everywhere and thats it. The civilized world is only in existence right in because of America you dumb fuck.
Thanks for clearing the cock juice out of your throat before you typed that crap though. That was really polite.
Nobody has to prove you’re wrong.
Why do stupid people make demands?
You are entitled to nothing other than a swift kick in the balls.
You speak for retards everywhere and thats it. The civilized world is only in existence right in because of America you dumb fuck.
Thanks for clearing the cock juice out of your throat before you typed that crap though. That was really polite.
This is an inflammatory picture posted to incite inflammatory comments. Congrats. You’ve been played.
looks like a titty
only non ego-fueled comment so far
Quite a few things bother me about this image: I assume that a crater is being created, hence the ocean. So then why is there a mound sticking up out of the center, which appears to correspond to the Persian Gulf? And where did the land in the Caspian, Mediterranean, and Arabian Seas come from?
Later we can build the Death Star Super Turbo Laser in there 😛
i am become death, destroyer of worlds
nuclear weapons are a door that nobody, nobody wants opened. i understand the sentiment of just wanting problems to “go away”, but it’s sort of like wanting to have a wank and deciding “OH BOY RAPE SURE SOUNDS GOOD RIGHT NOW”.
nuclear war is god damn scary. just say no.
haven’t you fuckers played fallout yet?
I am intrigued by the idea that all problems will go away just because the current point of conflict is removed. So, human nature to fight over scarce resources will go away? People trying to cast other groups as more and more ‘different’ and ‘alien’ in an attempt to vilify them and excuse their conquest/displacement/genocide/being-kept-under-the-thumb-of-a-dictatorship-for-our-economic-benefit will go away? Modernization and fundamentalism will stop battling for our hearts and minds? Globalization will stop driving down the income of the average person to the lowest common denominator while at the same time making our infrastructure vulnerable to well organized extremists from anywhere in the world?
Of course I know whoever made this was eliciting the exact response that he got above, but sometimes you just want to make a point to whatever level headed people actually bother to read this dreck (if for nothing else than to feel superior to everyone else on the thread who made asses of themselves).
Yes. I mean no. I mean…derp.
They seemed to have missed the part of afghanistan where folks have been killing each other lately.
Oh great, you just gave Somalia even more water to pirate on.
And all that radiation is probably going to create a Godzilla like race of camel spiders that will doom us all.
That explains Cloverfield.
You seemed to have missed the part of Afghanistan that keeps making the news. And the Gaza strip as well. Is this part of a Jay Leno bit?
…my job here is done. After all these years, it’s good to know I’m still the best troll on the internet.
No, Tiki is. He posted the image in the first place.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Nope, not solved, Israel is clearly still there. Kill them all, and let God sort them out.