Combined with a recent influx of StumbleUpon users hitting MCS and the normal Monday morning traffic that we get around these part, you may notice a few more “500 errors” tomorrow. I’m working with my host to get things a little more locked down around these here parts. If you’re interested in such things, you can see traffic stats here :
If you’re new to mcs, please feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed:
for those of you that are on twitter, I setup an account for just new image notifications. This is separate from the twitter account that I have for myself and will only tell you when there’s a new picture on the site: Please note that it is currently NOT working correctly, but I”ll get it fixed someday.
I love all of you, thanks for making my life so damn magically delicious.
okery dokery
Cool story Bro.
Ah tiki loves us….what a fucking fag.