Everyone makes typos, I made a typo with my comment, I put a quotation when I shouldn’t have. I also was being sarcastic, but if u you look at the posting, it wasn’t written out or some reply, obviously the person who wrote it didn’t use common sense and use spell check, or if they did “dindt” to them is just as good as “didn’t” to the rest of us.
Good, he grew the fuck up.
I cried a bit.
And then my Brother said, “Would you like some cheese with that whine?”
the sadest story I read in a long time
Almost anyone can be a parent – unfortunately.
Wait, that bear isn’t red, it’s white.
He is on the inside… or.. was x(
I used to have an imaginary friend.
He taught me to read 😀
The bear is actually a painting done by Luke Chueh, http://www.lukechueh.com/
You can tell the person who wrote it wasn’t white. Because no white person would write out “didn’t” as “dindt.
you”er seriously saying that white people don’t make typos?
Everyone makes typos, I made a typo with my comment, I put a quotation when I shouldn’t have. I also was being sarcastic, but if u you look at the posting, it wasn’t written out or some reply, obviously the person who wrote it didn’t use common sense and use spell check, or if they did “dindt” to them is just as good as “didn’t” to the rest of us.
Man, you wouldn’t even need that screenname for me to tell you’re a radiohead fan.
moar baaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww
Stories without closure are usually sad.
she killed the boy inside.