It’s strange to think of the now-standard beer/soda pop-top was once a new and amazing thing. Then again, I just read an article which talked about how recent a phenominon pockets are.
I’ve always been surprised how things can actually work as well as they do. I have a computer that has billions, if not trillions of on-off switches in its’ memory bank, and they safely store my documents with almost five nines of accuracy. I have a car that, aside from having it’s lubrication replaced four times a year, can turn on and run and propell me to my destination at speeds that would kill me if I was to jump out of it, and the most it asks is for an annual checkup (which I regularly ignore). My television is in fact a graphical user interface, no longer using an electron gun, but instead using LEDs, fibre_optics, and processing power to make up for the fact that I still haven’t upgraded to blue-ray.
The future is here. just without the flying cars (given people”s driving patterns, did you think we would give them the ability to F things up in 3 dimension?)
Heh. Well, they didn’t always have pulltabs…
Soooooooome daaaaaaaay…
Just noticed that those are a woman’s hands. “Bitch better bring me my beer already opened or she’ll have TWO black eyes!”
It’s strange to think of the now-standard beer/soda pop-top was once a new and amazing thing. Then again, I just read an article which talked about how recent a phenominon pockets are.
I’ve always been surprised how things can actually work as well as they do. I have a computer that has billions, if not trillions of on-off switches in its’ memory bank, and they safely store my documents with almost five nines of accuracy. I have a car that, aside from having it’s lubrication replaced four times a year, can turn on and run and propell me to my destination at speeds that would kill me if I was to jump out of it, and the most it asks is for an annual checkup (which I regularly ignore). My television is in fact a graphical user interface, no longer using an electron gun, but instead using LEDs, fibre_optics, and processing power to make up for the fact that I still haven’t upgraded to blue-ray.
The future is here. just without the flying cars (given people”s driving patterns, did you think we would give them the ability to F things up in 3 dimension?)
No sillier than the new ketchup packets.