I think it’s cool.
100 days after being elected he gets a nobel prize.
100 days after that he is doing the same as Bush.
100 days after that the fucker needs to die.
What a year.
I voted on the premise of hope and change. I didn’t realize the grip that corporate America had on the political system. We have no vote. Lobbyists own the government. Then Obama cut NASA funding.
I have no reason to be proud of this country. I’m ashamed that we can have 2/3s of the population wanting a single payer system,and 75% of all physicians agreeing, only to have it brought down by one faggot senator from Nebraska blocking it for his own political gain
The complete failure on single-payer healthcare is my biggest disappointment with Obama. One day profit-over-human-life doctrine is going to be abolished, and it will be remembered in the future the way slavery is remembered now.
We are still involved in two unresolved wars,I have personally lost my job because of our awful economy and our foreign relations are just as shake as under the Bush administration.I`ve not lost hope.Then again,I`ve never had any.
Son, it looks like your melodrama isn’t waterproof.
Is not. But props for being more creative then most.
I still have hope. and now I have seen things get done.
I think it’s cool.
100 days after being elected he gets a nobel prize.
100 days after that he is doing the same as Bush.
100 days after that the fucker needs to die.
What a year.
I voted on the premise of hope and change. I didn’t realize the grip that corporate America had on the political system. We have no vote. Lobbyists own the government. Then Obama cut NASA funding.
I have no reason to be proud of this country. I’m ashamed that we can have 2/3s of the population wanting a single payer system,and 75% of all physicians agreeing, only to have it brought down by one faggot senator from Nebraska blocking it for his own political gain
A little searching and reading would have told you that lobbyists and corporate amerial owns the US. Congrats on being lazy.
It’s all performance art.
I’m sorry, but where did you see that NASA’s funding got cut? as of last week their budget was being increased afaik.
NASA will get 6 billion more over the next 5 years, but the constellation project (back to the moon by 2020) got cut. Not sure how I feel about that.
They’re leaving that up to private companies.
BBC: The ‘vision thing’ and Nasa’s new path
Olbermann segment on NASA’s new vision:
The complete failure on single-payer healthcare is my biggest disappointment with Obama. One day profit-over-human-life doctrine is going to be abolished, and it will be remembered in the future the way slavery is remembered now.
We are still involved in two unresolved wars,I have personally lost my job because of our awful economy and our foreign relations are just as shake as under the Bush administration.I`ve not lost hope.Then again,I`ve never had any.