Holy goat balls! Legendary screenwriter/director Shane Black, of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard fame, has a Doc Savage film in the works. Right now he is working on Mel Gibson’s next project but it is on his radar! If this comes to fruition I will be a happy little nerdling!
Man of Bronze, motherfuckers!
Doc Savage? He’s a pulp hero from the 40’s, tons of paperbacks, comics and one movie from th3 70’s-which sadly sucked.
Fuck yeah DC-Wildstorm crossovers.
I’m pretty sure that :
1 – dc is doing this by themselves
and most importantly
2 – dc owns wildstorm
Holy goat balls! Legendary screenwriter/director Shane Black, of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard fame, has a Doc Savage film in the works. Right now he is working on Mel Gibson’s next project but it is on his radar! If this comes to fruition I will be a happy little nerdling!
Linky-dink: http://www.joblo.com/index.php?id=29254